Nerds assemble! Raspberry pi close to launch date.

As soon as this thing comes out it will only be a matter of time before we are flooded with imitations. BUT I will be getting one as soon as I can
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That's not even comparable to a £25 piece of kit!

It is for some people, wanting a media device. Which I expect is what most people think they can use it for. But raspberry-pi can't run flash, silverlight or android. Akingit useless if you want to run things like Netflix. It's only good a s a media device if you've allready ripped films and use the xmbc port.

Hence just a quick heads up, invade anyone wanted something similar.
I have my tech based on this all ready to roll, I just need to lay my hands on one and there's probably at least 20% of you would find it perfect :D

I'll get some details up soonish. Had lots of awesome ideas over the years and I always take too long and someone else comes up with it :( Will be cracking on with the current one very quick :)
I know it probably wouldn't be allowed but my question a while back in the rc plane thread was is it possible to fly via a laptop using the internet and a mobile or 3g dongle, if so imagine how long range a uav could be, you could send it off to some gps coordinates in the next town over presuming you have enough power, all while sending back video live over the internet and mobile network which automatically jumps from tower to tower, how cool would that be!? :D

That's quite an interesting one actually. It probably wouldn't be too hard to find a suitably lightweight USB gps transciever for laptop use. Add a few relays controlled from USB a little coding, and a camera and get it to relay pretty accurate co-ordinates as well as flying it from the laptop.

Pretty sure the rules on UAV's are changing soon too.
You might be better with a Gertboard for controlling relays/motors. There was a lot more info about it on the official R-Pi site, but the forums are not back yet.

ooh that looks interesting!

Doing lab projects atm at Uni, and probably would've included a R-Pi if I could have :p

I have registered interest, plan on a media centre in the future perhaps but mainly just to play with!
Posted this in the other thread but might as well plonk it here too. Farnell are sending out emails to people who registered interest and are allowing you to pre-order one (one per customer!)

Keep an eye out for emails if you registered.
Posted this in the other thread but might as well plonk it here too. Farnell are sending out emails to people who registered interest and are allowing you to pre-order one (one per customer!)

Keep an eye out for emails if you registered.

I got my email a few hours ago and got it odered now. I've a delivery date of 24th April. Hopefully there will be some progress re XBMC by then!
I'm still waiting to hear about this Pico kit that only costs a bit more but is 1000 times more powerful.

It doesnt exist. (which we all know anyway).

There seems to be a lot of hate for this. I can understand that it's not for everybody, and a lot of people dont understand the aims of the project, which is fine...If you dont want 1, just ignore it. I dont understand why people are going out of their way to post crap about it.

I suppose it's the same for anything popular (ipods, etc), there are lots of haters trying to show others how unique and non-mainstream they are :rolleyes:
A little disappointing that there wasn't a single update or comment from the developers yesterday, their website links to a twitter feed that hasn't had a update since 6pm Wednesday, I can understand that this has been exhausting for them and is a massive undertaking for such a small group but it just doesn't sit very well.

Either way with a bit of luck the massive hype may have encouraged a few of the tech companies involved to pull their fingers out and get things moving a bit quicker, haven't ordered one yet but I definitely plan to once a few ideas have evolved a bit.
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