Nervous in corners

It's all about confidence. Despite passing my test over 10 years ago after a 3.5 year break from bikes I got back on a KTM Duke 690 this year and at first I hated it. I had no confidence, was gripping the bars so hard that I had no feeling in my hands after 20 minutes (big single does create a fair few vibrations!) but just 6 weeks into riding that all changed. I suddenly had my confidence back and found that my grip had naturally loosened and suddenly I could push the bike hard. The difference was massive as I could now string corners together smoothly which makes riding so much more rewarding. Stick with it and you'll get there eventually, just make sure not to push yourself too far as the potential result of an accident on a bike is severe compared to driving a car.
OP just find an empty carpark, and do loads of figure 8's. That'll boost your slow corner speed confidence.. Keep doing until you're cranked over and smiling.
Cheers guys. I'm not a gibbering wreck or anything, I just don't know how fast I can take corners without low-siding. 40mph? 50mph? 60mph? Obviously it depends on the corner, but most corners I feel I slow down for far too much as any lean and I'm expecting my shoulder to be on the tarmac.
I really find it more difficult in the wet, as I just so rarely ride on wet roads now and don't really have enough feel or experience on the bike. In the dry though I feel much better. I know the bike is perfectly capable of going down to the pegs, plus I often find that when I feel that I've leaned as far as I want, when I accelerate out of the corner there's normally no loss of grip at all at that angle. I take that as a sign that there's plenty more remaining at a steady throttle.

I definitely have good and less good days though. I had a great ride out on Saturday, and in my mind was very much that this was probably my last ride of the year before the roads get covered in muck and salt. Sunny day, warm enough, out with a mate - we had a fantastic ride, better than our rides in the Ardenne earlier this year.
Cheers guys. I'm not a gibbering wreck or anything, I just don't know how fast I can take corners without low-siding. 40mph? 50mph? 60mph? Obviously it depends on the corner, but most corners I feel I slow down for far too much as any lean and I'm expecting my shoulder to be on the tarmac.

You'd be surprised at how far a bike will lean. When I first passed my test I was pretty cautious in corners but then I did a Ron Haslam race school day and got my knee down within minutes which increased my confidence no end. I then did a couple of days of the California Superbike school and got told off for leaning too far and scraping my pegs. When the weather warms up a bit maybe book yourself onto one of these courses.

As long as your tyres are ok and you're not trying to corner on wet leaves in a downpour your bike is a lot more capable than you.
Ride with your knees, let the front end do what it wants and in this weather hang off more and keep the bike upright around the corners.

Oh give the tyres a little more time to warm up brake harder and accelerate harder when the bike is upright.

Then...... PIN IT.
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