Net Soccer

Tried&Tested said:
Spunj99 was hosting..has stopped now.

Spunj99...what a duo we were! :D Spreading the play nicely. :)

Lol indeed. Legendary play. Nice one.

I stopped hosting as my sister was on the PC downloading some stuff, and I'm off out in a min to the cinema so someone else will have to host because this PC could get taken over at any time while im out and it'll probably go laggy.


Well up for another game later.

Also, i recon 5v5 is the perfect amount.
Yeh i'm in definatley.

Few tips for people who haven't got a clue.

- Obviously whichever way your cursor is pointing, you run in that direction.
- Right click will kick the ball short and along the ground
- Holding left click increases the power bar
- If you have your cursor closer to your man you will kick the ball in the air and if the cursor is away from your man then it'll be kicked along the ground

F3 is chat
F4 is teamchat
F7 is to send a message to your entire team, even those not in the server.

Ohh and you can head of volley the ball with the right mouse button. But the ball has to be right to be able to do it!
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