Never ever going to buy another ipod or reconmend them to any one

Attach IPOD
Run I-Tunes
Open a file manager
Choose Mp3 files
Drag and drop onto I-tunes
MP3's go direct onto IPOD
remove IPOD
If that ain't D & D then I'm a banana
We are talking about Drag and Drop UMS not Drag and Drop. The same as when when I talk about player I'm talking about mp3 player, not a football player.

Drag and drop<> Drag and Drop UMS

install itunes & ipod driver & QT
configure itunes
tag all your tracks
correct the tags

QABoy said:
Attach IPOD
Run I-Tunes
Open a file manager
Choose Mp3 files
Drag and drop onto I-tunes
MP3's go direct onto IPOD
remove IPOD
If that ain't D & D then I'm a banana

unmount iPod
switch it to USB drive mode
remount ipod
drag data files across to ipod

method2 - Drag and drop UMS
attach mp3 player
open file manager
Choose Mp3 files
drag tracks to it
drag data to it

Quite a bit less work.
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I can see the point, drag and drop in the simplest form is drag and drop in windows. MP3 players which use this are so simple, can't really go wrong.

Itunes uses it's own form of drag and drop but you have to use a program you cant just use windows explorer.

Not that it really hurts anyone, both do the same job.
Post 4 and 8 in this thread.

Dreadi said:
got myself a 40 gig zen touch, its drag and dop, whats not to like plus it has a 24hour battery life, ipods stink

No software mentioned. The hardware is drag and drop ums.

Energize said:
Ipods sound awfull anyway, it must be the only mp3 player with no bass. The fact that your forced to itunes instead of just wmp or drag and drop shows how desperate apple are for people to use their software, that would be like microsoft forcing you to use only wmp on windows.

The ability NOT to use a proprietary app is is drag and drop ums.

So obviously both talking about drag and drop ums. I dunno why you guys are still talking about the interface drag and drop. Everything supports that, so why even mention it, unless you didn't read the thread properly, don't understand drag and drop ums or just want to confuse everyone for some weird reason. :confused:
Dkore-DeX said:
I can see the point, drag and drop in the simplest form is drag and drop in windows. MP3 players which use this are so simple, can't really go wrong.

Itunes uses it's own form of drag and drop but you have to use a program you cant just use windows explorer.

Not that it really hurts anyone, both do the same job.

Its not just about using Windows Explorer. Its also

no device driver req
No Database req
navigation by filetree (No tags req on PC)
Can organise files (not tags) other than by Artist/Album
Can use filetree on player (no tags)

A drag and drop UMS player will also work on a Mac and Linux machine, without req Mac or Linux drivers or OS specific application software.

Hardly the same.

To be honest I blame the marketing. Everyone uses drag and drop interchangably and they really shouldn't. I reckon they throw in drag and drop because the other players mention it.
Hey hey, Im on your side. But im not so much in the know so I don't really see the difference, but now I know :)
dmpoole said:
I don't know what version of I-Tunes you are using but the new one that my kids use puts the MP3 direct onto the IPOD (the one I had last March didn't).
You drag the file into I-Tunes and the MP3 file goes direct onto the IPOD.
That is drag and drop.
End of.

The only reason it does that is b-cos you have itunes set to automaticly update the ipod you are still NOT DRAG AND DROPING your files onto the ipod, what is actually happening is that you are dragging the file names into itunes, itunes catalogs them by the tags in its database and also makes a note of where the file is on your harddrive and then it moves it from the position on your hard drive to the ipod, that is not as Sparky191 puts it, drag and drop ums, the type of drag and drop that we have been talking about since this thread began, END OF.
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lowrider007 said:
I find it just laughable how over the last few posts you seem to be slyly warming to some of our points of view yet you make out you had these same points of view from the begginning
At least im making you laugh.
Or is it that your laughing at yourself because your slowly realising that you've been misinterpriting my point all along? ;)

Lets forget that your implying we are stupid and don't know how to use itunes and concentrate on the fact that this post also convey's that all you have to do is simply just drag your music into itunes and just plug in your ipod, yet now 20 posts later you are saying
The pickyness of tagging has nothing to do with D/D. Stop coming up with paper thin arguing points.
As for 'implying'. Shall i also get oversensative as well and claim that your last 10 or so posts have been implying things towards me? ;)
And yes, all you have to do is plug in the iPod, open iTunes, and if the music isnt already imported, drag it to iTunes to transfer. Its allways been like that.
Its only you who's struggling to comprehend what i have said.

ummmm, it seems the more you learn how wrong you was the more you change your terminology, now your saying "an operation" where as before you was saying "Drag and Drop", strange that.
I say an operation because you dont appear understand the fundimental concept of D/D.
I explained what D/D was, in its most basic form, using the word 'operation', now, you are clutching at straws by picking apart an explanation and saying that i have changed my wording? lol. You are comical. Scraping the barrel there. :rolleyes:

Errrr, proberbly about 90-98% of everyone, infact its like he said, most people, I and half a dozen people have told you to look on the net to clarify what we have told you.
So a few people in a thread accounts for 98% of computer users out there?
Sure. Whatever you say. :o

Tell that to all the millions of people out there that have went out there way to by DRAG AND DROP MP3 players, if that "something" did'nt move then they would'nt have any music to listen to.
Have i said it hasnt moved?
Again, your getting confused between a D/D operation in iTunes, and a D/D operation in Explorer, which, as ive been trying to explain to you, are different, but essentially inhibit the same traits as what a D/D operation is described as.

How many times have we been over this, we/I from the beggining have been talking about drag and drop in a mp3 player context, why are you finding it so hard to understand, that is NOT the same as drag and droping file NAMES (not files) into itunes.
How many times have i explained that we got our wires crossed, and that you are talking about a D/D file operation, where as im talking about a D/D operation in an application.
How can you not understand?
Or do you choose not to? To allow you to continue arguing? You seem to enjoy this argument. Despite the fact that that last 4-5 posts between us lot have been going around in circles. With you not beliving that a D/D, whatever the outcome, is still D/D, and that your (basic)point, still eludes people, when its you who seems to be strugging with the concept of it all.

Again I will remind you that in the beginning you was making out we/I had lack of knowledge of how to use itunes b-cos we/I did'nt like the way itunes ran, NOW AGAIN in the same post you are telling us that parts of itunes annoys you and has "very non-descript errors that it somestimes pops up"
And again, what does a comment on the GUIs error range have to do with this argument, nothing. Thats what. Nothing at all. Your again, trying to come up with points. And failing.

So how far are you gonna take this? until everyone on here agrees with you and proclaims you grand emperor of all that no-ones bothered about?
Or are you gonna end this in a mature way?
Because at the moment, this is just going in circles, and i cant see any of us conceeding. So i'll give you the chance to end it properly. Making you look good. Losing face for the rest of us. So go on, end it. Be mature.

Somehow, i think i know what your answer is going to be. :rolleyes:
BoomAM said:
fish99 said:
The way I've always understood it, 'drag and drop' has a specific meaning when it comes to MP3 players, and it's not the same as it means when referring to applications. I doubt apple describe their players as drag and drop capable, even if their software is.
But i cant seem to explain to the others this concept.
They seem to refuse to accept that the iTunes software is D/D software.
But the player/intergration with iTunes isnt D/D.
They think that im saying that dragging into iTunes is like dragging onto the iPod drive in explorer. Which im not saying.

james.miller said:
just because you can drag something into itunes, doesnt mean the p0layer is drag and drop does it?

you're arguing that intunes is drag and drop, well that's all dandy but what happens after that? are the files in the same order on the ipod as they were D&D'd into itunes? nope. is that really drop and drop then?

Is that what you're doing with itunes?

im not saying a word.
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james.miller said:
We're not the people who aren't listening BoomAM. Evidently it's you who isn't.
And several others.
Obviously your right because you've can come up with random quotes. :o
I fully understand your point of views, what i cant fathom is how you cannot fully understand a basic concept such as D/D outside of the uses of transferal of data. :eek:

Its just amusing to see that your highlighting your post agreeing that the player isnt strictly D/D, but the software is, when that's what ive been saying all along!
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BoomAM said:
And several others.
Obviously your right because you've can come up with random quotes. :o
I fully understand your point of views, what i cant fathom is how you cannot fully understand a basic concept such as D/D outside of the uses of transferal of data. :eek:

random quotes? :rolleyes: look back over this thread boomAM, you'll see i posted that before your barmly little rant about how we dont understand you.

james.miller said:
the irivers are drag and drop. Copy the files from the pc direct to the player's hdd. That's drag and drop. putting files in itunes and having it sort files by tag then uploading them to an ipod, sorted by tag, is not drag and drop.

it doesn't matter how you cut it, how you look at it, how you want to argue or even why you think you have a reason to argue. UMS is drag and drop. nothing else is.

There's another, describing the difference between using the iriver on its own and the ipod with software. again, you weren't paying attention and started off on a rant. If you still think they are random quotes, i'll give you the times if you like?
james.miller said:
random quotes? :rolleyes: look back over this thread boomAM, you'll see i posted that before your barmly little rant about how we dont understand you.
First of all, unless you've mis-spelt, 'barmly' isnt a word.
Second, you obviously dont understand my point, or what D/D is if you cannot accept that iTunes is a drag/drop program, regardless of if it drags/drops data as Explorer does. Its fact. Not me making it up for arguments sake, its fact. Practically everything in Windows & Windows apps, and by extension, OSX, Linux, ect;, is drag/drop.

You lot are fixed upon the notion that drag/drop can only mean transferal of data. When it means more than that.

And thats what baffles me, your lack of understanding of such a basic principle of computer usage.
Ive never argued, to my knowledge, that the iPod is a D/D device.
Ive argued, that iTunes, regardless of wether its a music program or 'part of' iPod or not, is a drag/drop program.
Again, you drag the virtual objects, it processes them, performs an operation if you will. That is what drag/drop is. Not just 'i drag to drive in explorer, it transfers data to the player'.
But, as ive said, and pointed out, you cannot seem to grasp this. :o

So how again am i not understanding? Considering that i recognise your points of D/D in the sence you mean is the transferal of data in Explorer and that the iPod cant do it, and then explain my point, multiple times, that regardless of if it transfers data, iTunes is still a D/D application.
spelling mistakes! lol. you've just lost all the appreciation i had for you boomAM and even after all that, you are STILL arguing on a point we never made. You go girl.
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BoomAM said:
At least im making you laugh.
Or is it that your laughing at yourself because your slowly realising that you've been misinterpriting my point all along?

Hahaha, OMG you really are so funny, practicly EVERYONE ON THIS THREAD understood drag and drop in the context that I and everyone was talking about APART FROM YOU, yet it's us that did,nt understand, yes thats right, everybody here got it wrong :rolleyes:

The pickyness of tagging has nothing to do with D/D. Stop coming up with paper thin arguing points.

Ummm lets see about that, below is my first post,

"the problem I have is all my mp3's are on my hardrive seperated by albums alphabetically in their own folders, now if I want that exact file structure on the ipod I have to create a playlist in itunes for every folder/album which what i've been doing, I would'nt mind using itunes if you could at least select all your music folders and itunes make them into play lists."

Now it does,unt take a brain surgen to understand what I was complaining about here, my problem was with the way itunes sorted my files you can see that as plain as day, yet YOUR exact response to the people in the thread that did not like the way itunes orangised their mp3's WAS,

The challenges of loading iTunes, dragging the music into it, and then just plugging in the iPod.
Lets not do anything hard here.

Implying that we are thick and all you have to do drag the music across and that solves all our problems, WHEN THIS IS NOT THE CASE, you can see from my QUOTED FIRST POST that the problem was that we/I did,nt like the way itunes sorts yours files, please read my first post again and again b-cos it does'nt seem to be sinking in, Anyhow, in my reply to your stupid comment I said,

"I want to be able to select all my mp3 folders regardless of what artists are in what folders, drag them into itunes and have them appear in exactly the same way in my mp3 player, now is this really that hard to understand, you don't have a TRUE drag and drop facility on itunes thats what the problem is"

Which still stands, itunes does not have TRUE drag and drop functionality, this is the route of the problem b-cos this aurguement has been over this point, now you can't wiggle out by saying that you did'nt understand the context in which it was mean't, let me just repeat myself, I said

"itunes does not have TRUE drag and drop functionality"

And only a couple of my posts after mine SPARKY191 says,

An interface that uses drag and drop is NOT the same as drag and drop in the context of an MP3 player.

So you knew damm well right from the beggining in which context we mean't so don't try and play dumb, this just makes you look like an idiot, all b-cos you wanted to be right, and blatantly can't accept losing an argument,this is really sad :(

And yes, all you have to do is plug in the iPod, open iTunes, and if the music isnt already imported, drag it to iTunes to transfer. Its allways been like that.
Its only you who's struggling to comprehend what i have said.

Oh dear, here we go again, THE PROBLEM WAS NOT ABOUT HOW EASY IT IS HOW TO USE ITUNES, THE PROBLEM WAS HOW IT DOES IT, O M G, how many more times, IT WAS YOUR LACK OF UNDERSTANDING (EVEN THO WE TOLD YOU TWICE) of the context of drag and drop we was talking about, YOU SIR need help.

I say an operation because you dont appear understand the fundimental concept of D/D.

You provided a link to some drag and drop definitions a few posts back, let me quote a couple of the drag and drop definitions from YOUR OWN LINK,

A term for selecting an object or group of objects with the mouse, dragging them to another location and releasing the mouse.

Another location, ummmm, intresting......

To directly manipulate an object by moving it and placing it somewhere else using a pointing device

Ummmmm, moving the object, again intresting........

and thats not even talking about UMS DRAG AND DROP, which is what we've been disscussing.

Have i said it hasnt moved?
Again, your getting confused between a D/D operation in iTunes, and a D/D operation in Explorer, which, as ive been trying to explain to you

You really, really, are taking the *** out of us now arn't you, THAT IS WHAT WE HAVE SAID FROM THE BEGINNING, look at your own posts,

I fully understand the difference. I just choose not to accept as a difference when it isnt one imo.

Yes we're the confused ones arn't we :rolleyes:,

How many times have i explained that we got our wires crossed, and that you are talking about a D/D file operation, where as im talking about a D/D operation in an application.
How can you not understand?

The reason why we can't understand is b-cos we told you so early on the context in which it was mean't, I did, sparky did, james miller did, thats just to name but a few, yet for some reason you went on and on and whinning how the it was the same thing, yet now you agree there was a difference and we misunderstood you, come on mate, pull the other one.

And again, what does a comment on the GUIs error range have to do with this argument, nothing. Thats what. Nothing at all. Your again, trying to come up with points. And failing.

I simply pointed that out b-cos you made out that its such a simple case of drag and dropping the files across, when not only does itunes not drag and drop the files in a ums context it also has, by your own admission other issues as well that just furthers my case for the need of a more drang and drop system for the ipod, simple really.

So how far are you gonna take this? until everyone on here agrees with you and proclaims you grand emperor of all that no-ones bothered about?

Funny that condsidering your really the only person on here thats really that bothered about this "all that no-ones bothered about" stuff.

Or are you gonna end this in a mature way?
Because at the moment, this is just going in circles, and i cant see any of us conceeding. So i'll give you the chance to end it properly. Making you look good. Losing face for the rest of us. So go on, end it. Be mature.

Riiiiiiiight, OK, your giving MEEEEEE the chance to end this properlly riiiiight, :(

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james.miller said:
spelling mistakes! lol. you've just lost all the appreciation i had for you, boomAM and even after all that, you are STILL arguing on a point we never made. You go girl.
A point you lot never made?
OK then. ;)

This is quickly going nowhere.
Im waiting for Lowrider007 to kick off again, but either way, im really not bothered now. Its obvious that this is never gonna get resolved between us and that we're covering old ground now.
So we can agree to disagree. Which wont happen, as one of you lot will probably post a few more posts slating me.
So i'll just end it like this.
'your all right, and im wrong.' :rolleyes:
There we go. Ended.
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I just have it's above you, /\, lol.

This is quickly going nowhere.
Im waiting for Lowrider007 to kick off again, but either way, im really not bothered now. Its obvious that this is never gonna get resolved between us and that we're covering old ground now.
So we can agree to disagree. Which wont happen, as one of you lot will probably post a few more posts slating me.
So i'll just end it like this.
'your all right, and im wrong.'
There we go. Ended.

I don't mind either way, If you want to end it thats fine, that does'nt mean I'm going start to posting comments slating you.
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