Never ever going to buy another ipod or reconmend them to any one

Sparky191 said:
Can I have your iPod if you don't like it? :D

I love my ipod, its itunes that I don't like but i think you know that by now :p :D , anyhow as I said a few posts back I'm using Xplay 2 now its really good, it bascily turns your ipod into a pure drag and drop mp3 player, very usefull for people that prefer this method :)

for the benifit of others here's the link again incase anyone else is not a fan of itunes,

Media four state
"With XPlay there is no need to launch an application. Simply drag-and-drop the music files you want"

Which is exactly what this does.
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To me 'drag and drop' means only that you can drop MP3s straight onto the device using windows explorer and it will play them (without needing any 3rd party apps installed btw). If it can't do that it's not a drag and drop capable player. Like my Sony isn't drag and drop.
lowrider007 said:
I think your find that I am :( , your obviously the type of person that has to have everything think your own way and won't stop attacking/whinning until the other party concedes, I,ve never bowed down to people like you and I never will sorry mate, you may get your way by stamping your feet on your own turff but not on here unfortunitly.
You make that asumption about me then. Im not gonna loose sleep over it. :p
But you've got to stop thinking that its about whos right/wrong & that its a battle.
Its a net forum. Be more relaxed about it.

the very thing that initiated this arguement,
Which was started by misinterpritation. Nothing more.

Once people just start accepting everyone complaining all the time it turns a forum into breeding ground for vultures that prey on peoples threads who instead of offer freindly advice and banter they criticise and complain just for the sole purpose of inceasing thier post count.
Thats the first time ive been accused of doing something to increase post count. I wonder, would you have accused me of the same if i had just 50 posts? ;)
Post count means nothing at all. And never will. Some people think it does, but it doesnt. At all.

Im still wondering if your the victem when your last few 'diplomatic' posts towards me has had you accusing me and calling me various things that could be construed as a personal attack. Prehaps the victem has switched positions? ;)
Its a good job i dont misconstru your comments as attacks eh? ;)
the irivers are drag and drop. Copy the files from the pc direct to the player's hdd. That's drag and drop. putting files in itunes and having it sort files by tag then uploading them to an ipod, sorted by tag, is not drag and drop.

it doesn't matter how you cut it, how you look at it, how you want to argue or even why you think you have a reason to argue. UMS is drag and drop. nothing else is.
It appears that people have different definitions of what drag/drop is.
iTunes is a drag/drop app.
You (three now is it?), however seem to mean strait drag/drop from within explorer.
And there lies the difference & probably cause of all of the confusion in this thread.
drag and drop = player shows as a external drive and you do it yourself through windows explorer. No additional programs needed.
Yes it is.
Just not in the sence of drag/drop in Explorer.
As ive said.
The basic definition of drag/drop is you drag items to somewhere, drop them, and an operation is performed.
Wether that operation is a copy/move as in what you are describing, or the scanning and Dbing of the files, its still, by definition drag/drop.
You three appear think that drag/drop is a term thats exclusivly used for your ideas.
I dont deny that drag/drop in the sence of seeing the iPod as a drive isnt possible.
But for you lot not to accept that any resulting operation of a drag/drop, whatever that operation may be, wether its copy/move of mp3 files, or the databasing of the files, is still, by all definitions, drag/drop.
BoomAM said:
You make that asumption about me then. Im not gonna loose sleep over it. :p
But you've got to stop thinking that its about whos right/wrong & that its a battle.
Its a net forum. Be more relaxed about it.

Who says it's a battle ?, :(

As for your "you've got to stop thinking that its about whos right/wrong" why should I stop thinking it's about whos right and wrong, you said I could do the same in itunes, you was wrong, simple as, also who says i'm not relaxed ?, I,ve never been more relaxed in my life.

Which was started by misinterpritation. Nothing more.

Like I said, if you would have said this in the beginning then we would'nt be here now would we, no, instead you tried to argue (insult) my point by saying that I had lack of knowledge of how to use itunes when this is not the case, Ive been using itunes since it practicly came out, althougth i'm no expert I'm fully aware of what it can and can't do, you also seem to know the ins and outs of itunes also thus way did you try to insult me by saying it was my lack of knowledge or misuse when you also know that itunes does not sort out mp3 files in the way in I said I wanted them be to sorted, by ture drag and drop.

Thats the first time ive been accused of doing something to increase post count. I wonder, would you have accused me of the same if i had just 50 posts? ;)
Post count means nothing at all. And never will. Some people think it does, but it doesnt. At all.

Well there's a first time for everything, perhaps its something that you was unaware of doing, maybie i'm wrong and this is just a one off.

EDIT - Oh well, looks like from the above new posts there seems to be a general consensus forming about what drag and drop really is,

james.miller said:
well really BoomAM, your the only person who disagrees with that statement. Search around and you'll see.
This what vexes me.

I havnt denyed that the iPod, in the sence of drag/drop to it through explorer, that it doesnt work. So its not drag/drop in that sence.

But iTunes, when you drag/drop a music folder into it. Is performing a drag/drop command.
By definition, iTunes is performing a drag/drop operation. And that has been my point all along.
Can you lot not see that at all? That dragging a file/folder into any window or program and releasing the mouse, dropping it, is performing a drag/drop operation, whatever the outcome or purpose of the operation may be.
Drag a jpg into MS Word. Its just performed a drag/drop.
Highlight some text in a browser and drag it to notepad, it appears there. Another D/D operation.
Move an icon from your desktop to your taskbar. Another DD operation.
Drag your music folder and release the mouse over an open iTunes window. Another D/D operation.

Regardless of the outcome of the operation, it is D/D.
Is it just me who's noticed that the OP has disappeared from this thread?
Prehaps he got scared of. Or prehaps he's laughing at us all. :p
Maybe. :p
I remember trying out iTunes a few years ago when i had my 3g iPod, and it was awful back then. Had me jumping through hoops to get it to install, and when it was, it was as buggy as heck.
The new version, that i tryed with my 5g seems a whole lot better. Im slowly using it more, and WMP less.
BoomAM said:
This what vexes me.

I havnt denyed that the iPod, in the sence of drag/drop to it through explorer, that it doesnt work. So its not drag/drop in that sence.

But iTunes, when you drag/drop a music folder into it. Is performing a drag/drop command.
By definition, iTunes is performing a drag/drop operation. And that has been my point all along.
Can you lot not see that at all? That dragging a file/folder into any window or program and releasing the mouse, dropping it, is performing a drag/drop operation, whatever the outcome or purpose of the operation may be.
Drag a jpg into MS Word. Its just performed a drag/drop.
Highlight some text in a browser and drag it to notepad, it appears there. Another D/D operation.
Move an icon from your desktop to your taskbar. Another DD operation.
Drag your music folder and release the mouse over an open iTunes window. Another D/D operation.

Regardless of the outcome of the operation, it is D/D.

I'm sorry but now you are trying to base your argument on a technicality, this was never about to trying prove whether itunes can perform a D&D operation, this arguement was based on the fact that you put your sizes nines in the thread and implied we was stupid and you can simply organise your mp3's by simple D&D into itunes which is NOT the case if you prefer to have your files organised by TRUE D&D, NOT by having your music files (that don't actually move into itunes) being forced into being caterogized on a third party database.

Nuff said, i'm off for an early , :p
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Brum Man said:
I just have two problems with this thread,

1. sence is spelt senSe

2. reponce is spelt responSe

I'm happy now........

And b-cos is spelt because.

As for drag&drop, that is when you can do it through windows explorer, from your HDD straight to the players HDD. No programs necessary. My Cowon iAudio does this.
BoomAM said:
This what vexes me.

I havnt denyed that the iPod, in the sence of drag/drop to it through explorer, that it doesnt work. So its not drag/drop in that sence.

But iTunes, when you drag/drop a music folder into it. Is performing a drag/drop command.
By definition, iTunes is performing a drag/drop operation. And that has been my point all along.
Can you lot not see that at all? That dragging a file/folder into any window or program and releasing the mouse, dropping it, is performing a drag/drop operation, whatever the outcome or purpose of the operation may be.
Drag a jpg into MS Word. Its just performed a drag/drop.
Highlight some text in a browser and drag it to notepad, it appears there. Another D/D operation.
Move an icon from your desktop to your taskbar. Another DD operation.
Drag your music folder and release the mouse over an open iTunes window. Another D/D operation.

Regardless of the outcome of the operation, it is D/D.

just because you can drag something into itunes, doesnt mean the p0layer is drag and drop does it?

you're arguing that intunes is drag and drop, well that's all dandy but what happens after that? are the files in the same order on the ipod as they were D&D'd into itunes? nope. is that really drop and drop then?
Drag and drop : To directly manipulate an object by moving it and placing it somewhere else using a pointing device (such as a mouse).

Is that what you're doing with itunes?
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