Never Mind the Murlocs - Warlords of Draenor

31 Oct 2010
Mentioned in the WoW thread about putting together a small guild for Warlords of Draenor, for those of us who only got to see LFR in Mists.

I'm hoping to get things up and running as soon as possible, giving folks a chance to get to know each other instead of just jumping into the deep end when people reach 100.
If anyone is Interested, the guild is on Silvermoon EU, Alliance. It is already level 25, so no need to worry about not having perks.

The guild would be raiding 1-2 nights a week with a team of between 10-20 players, raids might be flexible now, but our ventrilo size currently isn't.
Starting with normal mode and progressing into Heroic if people are interested, The guild is for those who want a fun raiding atmosphere where people can laugh at mistakes in raids, instead of rage about them, but still have the drive to progress through. I've been on both sides of the raiding scene in the past, Normal modes and Heroic modes and I can honestly say I had a lot more fun when we were able to laugh at ourselves.

So if you are looking for a guild to have fun and still progress, add Markeh#2286 to friends list.

Update: We are trying to keep social only members to a minimum, but will welcome those who would join in for dungeon and gearing runs.

Currently welcoming all roles, with preference to:

Currently progressing Highmaul Normal, with the first 2 bosses down.
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What sort of things do you plan on doing? Any raids or anything? I'd be happy to help out if so, I already have a proper raiding guild but wouldn't mind something a bit more casual on the side.

It would be 1-2 nights a week. Starting normal mode, moving on to heroic if people are interested.

I considered testing the idea of class raids. 1 of each class for a small raid team. Seeing as raids are flex now, 11 isnt that odd of a number.
Schedule will be based around what suits the players, At the moment any class and role are welcome. Nice to see some of the old Overachievers being interested!
I think it would be what was flex, depends how difficult the new content turns out to be, going to heroic would seem very likely.

Atm there are just a few. Speaking with some guys I work with as well.
Well at the moment everything is welcome, Add my battletag if I'm not online or message me in game for an invite if you want one!
Mark, my kids saw me playing and pestered me to let them play too. They are too young for guild/raid play, but the upside is I found my other account and have 2 active now. Started a Mage which I'll level up with the monk to get some caster DPS as an option later. The account also has an 85 Paladin on, but on Thunderhorn server. Do Blizzard ever do free server transfers?

Only ever off of extremely 1 sided or high pop realms. Thunderhorn wouldn't get one I don't think.

Mr-White we are alliance on Silvermoon. At the moment we lack mages, warlocks, shamans and monks as peoples mains. Currently the only clothie we have is a single healer priest.
If you are interested, throw me a friends, Markeh#2286
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The realm is full, but it hasnt had queue times since the xrealm patch during siege.
I imagine there will be some on expansion launch though.

As for classes, ideally we need a Warlock, Shaman or Monk. Paladins we have a few of.
Resto druid we also don't have. More healers are always welcome!
I myself play feral / guardian and I think an in game friend is planning on going balance.
[YG]Bug-Eyed;27138619 said:
Hello all. I'm starting a new character to level for the expansion and would prefer to be in a guild for the social chit chat. Will probably play to 60 then use the boost to get professions maxed out.

Trying something totally different this time so paladin, healer! Do you guys have space? :)

Sure, healers are always welcome.
If you do /who never mind the murlocs, anyone can throw you an invite, i would but im out tonight.
Updated the original post, for anyone considering joining to let them know what classes are currently being played the most.
People are on most evenings. Its pretty quiet during the day though, Haven't done what some guilds do and invite loads of socials who aren't going to be about for the most part. Trying to keep it fairly small.
There will be plenty of 5 man runs going on in warlords, along with the world bosses if they are anything like mop. The progression we aim to do is as much about enjoying the game as it is playing it. Seen so many of my old guildies and mates burn out as the game became more like a job than a bit of fun.

A few of us do bgs, but nothing serious on that side either. Quite looking forward to the tarren mill / southshore bg.
There is another ocuker leveling a mage, but anything is welcome, shadowpriest currently isn't being mained.
I know I said in the original post no more pallies, but we could now use a holy paladin.
Silvermoon has gone back down to full, instead of locked for now.
Not even low pop servers Spenj, early mop I had a friend come to silvermoon, as on Thunderhorn, Galleon would have been alive for hours on end, even when he was current content. It being a medium pop realm.
Had enough of us tonight for a guild run. Cleared normal mode Mogu'shan Vaults and Terrace of the Endless Spring. As well as 8 manning the Sha of Anger in kun-lai summit.

Fun night.
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