New and improved ***Left4Dead Steam Names Thread***

Aekeron my STEAM says you were last online 75 days ago o_0

Also added you but you're still in my invitations list instead of friends list?!

Btw, here's my Steam ID :)

[OcUK] mrk" STEAM_1:1:3575420 00:35 92 0 active 30000
There's two FrenchTart accounts on steam - mine is the second one.

The first one is my old account, no longer active due to paypal being idiots (requsting chargebacks without asking me) and steam support then also being rather annoying and refusing to re-enable the account even after I explained the situation and offered to re-pay the amounts paypal had wrongfully chaged back.

Anyhow, long story short, add the 2nd FrenchTart on steam :)

I'll get your steam ID added to the list of admins later today/tonight.
the only one i found says 'last online 79 days ago'

just manually browsed and found this :)

there's lots of dead names in here (ie, when you serach for the name it finds nothing)

i reckon every poster in here should give a link to their steam page.... would make it easier
Had a thought Aekeron. Perhaps make this thread an "Official OcUK Steam Name" thread rather than just LFD. I'm sure most people who have steam either have CSS, LFD, TF2, etc so would be good to get everyone down (If you got the cohones to alter it ;))

We could then possibly have it stickied if there are enough contributions. It's always nice to lookup a member quickly and add them for a game rather than going down the tedious/buggy steam community, groups, players, add route!
Had a thought Aekeron. Perhaps make this thread an "Official OcUK Steam Name" thread rather than just LFD. I'm sure most people who have steam either have CSS, LFD, TF2, etc so would be good to get everyone down (If you got the cohones to alter it ;))

We could then possibly have it stickied if there are enough contributions. It's always nice to lookup a member quickly and add them for a game rather than going down the tedious/buggy steam community, groups, players, add route!

I may do it. To be honest, I don't really want to be updating this thread'll see :)

I'll get the rest of the names updated tomorrow too.
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