New and shocking footage of British troops torturing Iraqis...

8 Sep 2005
I just watched the full video on ITV news and oh my god... it's absolutely appalling. Helpless Iraqis are being brutally beaten senseless outside in the open by multiple troops while some idiot records it and whoops and mocks them the whole time.

Many other soldiers walk past and do nothing. It's almost hard to believe that this goes on so openly... I am shocked, and that's quite a rare thing. No wonder the Iraqis hate us so much, we condemned Saddam for torturing people and now what are we doing?

Any other just see it then? :(
saw it this morning when i was in the gym, they just beat them with a stick (literally), it isn't new thou (2 years old), just surfaced.
It was over a year ago, beginning of 04 they think so doesnt represent the current situation...

Thats when the war was sooner and everything was still very volatile.

We know not the circumstances exactly... and much worse has happened during war... i am not surprised nor proud... the voice and laugh is appalling, that of a mad man.

War is bad.
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I put the vid on SC and was told it wasnt suitable - and yeah its in the papers and on telly ;) - This stuff needs to be seen! Quite appalling.
That really was sickening. It wasn't so much the beating that shocked but the fact that dozens of soldiers just walked past while this was happening and hardly batted an eye lid. This suggests to me thath this kind of behaviour is a lot more "normal" than we are lead to believe.
Wait a sec, weren't these so called "innocent iraqis" throwing grenades and stones at our troops?

I haven't seen the video, but that's what I read in the paper.

If they were then they deserve a beating! :mad:
JimmyEatWorms said:
This suggests to me thath this kind of behaviour is a lot more "normal" than we are lead to believe.
Or that as is quite often the case that people are scared of getting involved.
MonkeyMan said:
Wait a sec, weren't these so called "innocent iraqis" throwing grenades and stones at our troops?

I haven't seen the video, but that's what I read in the paper.

If they were then they deserve a beating! :mad:

Yes, fighting against a hostile invading force is despicable behaviour, isn't it? :rolleyes:
I agree, they clearly weren't innocent, they were causing trouble and vandalising one of our camps, they deserved the beating.
Muban said:
Or that as is quite often the case that people are scared of getting involved.

I very much doubt our army consists of so many shrinking violets. With that many soldiers about there must have been at least on officer or senior NCO with knowledge of what was going on.
I dont know why people are so shocked about this. The amount of stuff i can imagine that goes on during wars that we dont see... im sure this in comparison is nothing...

It only gets aired here now... because they are British troops... thing is no one fully knows the circumstance and thus no one has a leg to stand on with either argument.
JimmyEatWorms said:
I very much doubt our army consists of so many shrinking violets. With that many soldiers about there must have been at least on officer or senior NCO with knowledge of what was going on.
I come from a forces family, I think I have a good idea of the sort of people who are in our armed forces. I could go into it in more detail but I don't think there is going to be any point.

For the record I think what these guys did is disgusting and that they should be charged. It's a shame though too as this is a tiny minority and peoples views of the forces will be tarnished becuase of it.
MonkeyMan said:
Wait a sec, weren't these so called "innocent iraqis" throwing grenades and stones at our troops?

I haven't seen the video, but that's what I read in the paper.

If they were then they deserve a beating! :mad:

Great! replace one barbaric regime with another, that will sort all the problems out.

I haven't seen the videos but they sound disgusting. :mad:
Before clicking this I knew some people would say "they deserved it" and ironically its the people with the danish banners...*sensing patterns* :rolleyes: I just hope one day that when a loved one of yours gets hurt bad someone doesnt say to you "they deserved it", but wait....they wont will they? After all youre always right!! Am I the only one who thinks about the pain it can cause hurting an innocent or anyone for that matter?

Anyway, would you believe me if I said in Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine women are raped, pregnant women and children killed and other victms? By our "troops" and the USA/Israel. I doubt you would and the question always asked "Evidence?", just because evidence isnt there and in your face doesnt mean it doesnt exist. Its all hipocracy and double standards inside out as usual.

Indeed it is a sad thing what goes on by our own so called troops, we all pay for our deeds in the end though.

*edit* lmfao I just have to laugh at the freekin irony here!!!! Its ok to torture criminals in Iraq but if its in the UK its wrong? daaamn youre stupid
i have a good idea anyone who thinks they did wrong go sign on and go on tour for 6 months, and try to restrain yourself from slapping the odd person let alone blowing a chunk of the country up your.

these guys are in danger every day yet you have the media and comentators in there nice air condition offices bleeting on when somthing comes to light that one or two members of our armed forces punched or attacked somone with a batton, even when they where provoked.

none of us here know what happend as the video is only 2 minutes long and is from 2004, it starts with 4 people being dragged in to the compond. we dont know what they where doing before hand.

it really does annoy me as i have worked with ex forces guys and some of them left the forces because of the lack of support from the media and the gov, if this keeps up we'l have no armed forces much longer.
Muban said:
For the record I think what these guys did is disgusting and that they should be charged. It's a shame though too as this is a tiny minority and peoples views of the forces will be tarnished becuase of it.

Indeed. I wish these idiots would understand that their representing the entire Brittish public and their actions will be judged for decades to come. :(
You know how difficult it is for the forces guys over there???You try walking around knowing your next step could be your last.
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