I used the world discipline. You said it was innapropriate to compare school discipline to a beating in Iraq. I defined discipline for you, to show you how it could be considered discipline. I explained that behaviour modifiation of the enemy is a sueful tactic (on the basis that once the 'civilians' had attacked the military base they then moved into that catagory) which is something that you have still not addressed, although you did attempt to confuse the issue by suggesting what we saw did not fit in with the concept of 'justice' (despite the fact that I had not suggested it did). I suggested that your attempt to divert my explanation of events into incompatilbe concepts may be because you wish to use the video as a manner of measuring your own values, that the oportunity for condemnnation may be important for you on a moral level - which may have lead you to ignore the fact that the background of the video may change the way in which we understand the events we have seen.