New Build Approx. £2500 Budget

15 Apr 2019
Me too - although fear for your sanity when it comes to your next miniature build, as you may have reached your limit.

*Custom case!
The current build is still a work in progress and you're already thinking about the next build. It's like me and meals, thinking about dinner whilst I'm still eating lunch.
19 Apr 2003
Clearly, the motion of the ocean is equally, if not more important. No point having one big monster only to have a g3258...I'm sure you'd agree no?
'Crucially' you've admitted to having a dodgy stick :D

£125 just to use a Sharpie...
Yes, agreed, not an option - looked at case. But the no-optical design is subtle.

Custom water cooled dancase methinks. But that will be >5 years down the line...
/writes in diary - 5 years and 2 months, @tamzzy ECT treatment.
19 Apr 2003
That's weak...I already think about the next day's lol
Having trouble relating - i get too engrossed in what i'm doing and forget to eat during the day. Fortunately, i have a wife that keeps me fuelled in the evening (admittedly, i'm starving).

*But picturing you both spilling over on your mobility scooters because of eating disorders :D
15 Apr 2019
Having trouble relating - i get too engrossed in what i'm doing and forget to eat during the day. Fortunately, i have a wife that keeps me fuelled in the evening (admittedly, i'm starving).

*But picturing you both spilling over on your mobility scooters because of eating disorders :D
The belly is getting in the way when putting my shoes on...
4 Feb 2018
your long hard look took too long :( missed quite a few deals along the way, unfortuntately.

I'm a bit naive when it comes to these things so didn't realise I'd need to take action so fast! Everything keeps fluctuating between being out of stock as well, further confusing my simple mind.

I think the build I'm going to go for is:

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £2,442.61 (includes shipping: £14.70)

Unfortunately I'll have to swap out the original recommended SSDs as they're currently out of stock (any immediate recommendations please do let me know as again, no idea what I'm doing XD), and the 2080Ti is on pre-order for the 16th.
I've also opted for your original motherboard choice @tamzzy as I do not require Wi-Fi at all (running ethernet for the best speeds from my fibre-optic provider) so unless there's any other reasons I'll stick with this one. Honestly I'm such a novice I've really appreciated everyone's help.
19 Apr 2003
What monitor will you be using with this build?

Money could be saved on the memory if you didn't want RGB (better quality too) plus the PSU, although no denying the quality. Plus, a quality air cooler has less points of failure and will cool just as effectively if you hadn't considered this option - but nothing wrong with the AIO. And, needless to say, that 2080Ti is very expensive/wasted unless considering 4K immediately.

I would also consider a better (silent) case for such a premium build e.g.:

My basket at Overclockers UK:
4 Feb 2018
What monitor will you be using with this build?

Money could be saved on the memory if you didn't want RGB (better quality too) plus the PSU, although no denying the quality. Plus, a quality air cooler has less points of failure and will cool just as effectively if you hadn't considered this option - but nothing wrong with the AIO. And, needless to say, that 2080Ti is very expensive/wasted unless considering 4K immediately.

I would also consider a better (silent) case for such a premium build e.g.:

My basket at Overclockers UK:

Taking recommendations but saving the monitor until later this year, I can either divert some budget to it now and call it a day or build the rig now and deal with the monitor in the festive season (when I have some more cash =P). I definitely had 4K in mind, but as you said, could be wasted. Thanks for your recommendations. I've never worked with AIO before, so if you have any recommendations on the air cooler I'll look into it. I'm not too worried about value if the quality of RGB is better (I've not looked into this but will do) and the same with the PSU. Basically I won't be upgrading for some time but am looking to spend the money while I have it.
19 Apr 2003
Taking recommendations but saving the monitor until later this year, I can either divert some budget to it now and call it a day or build the rig now and deal with the monitor in the festive season (when I have some more cash =P). I definitely had 4K in mind, but as you said, could be wasted. Thanks for your recommendations. I've never worked with AIO before, so if you have any recommendations on the air cooler I'll look into it. I'm not too worried about value if the quality of RGB is better (I've not looked into this but will do) and the same with the PSU. Basically I won't be upgrading for some time but am looking to spend the money while I have it.
I would make the argument that you could have your cake and eat it now - within reason.

1440p is the gaming sweetspot - you could get the 2070Super (or 2080Super if wanted) and buy a quality 1440p monitor with a modified build and start enjoying your system now playing all games on high settings and high FPS.

Build is for example purposes to be tweaked if necessary. You could have an ultra wide screen monitor for example (although will effect price). Note you could save £100 buy subbing out the NVMe drives for alternate models (Sabrient) or Crucial MX500 M.2s from OcUK - no discernible speed difference in gaming.

The Elite X570 comes with £30 worth of Steam vouchers - so makes it comparable to the gaming X.

*Note you would need to add 32GB of Crucial Ballistix Sport LT 3200MHz Memory to this build bringing you to your budget limit - but will clock to 3600MHz+ but without the bling but way better performance potential:

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £2,271.89 (includes shipping: £28.02)
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Man of Honour
26 May 2012
I'm a bit naive when it comes to these things so didn't realise I'd need to take action so fast! Everything keeps fluctuating between being out of stock as well, further confusing my simple mind.
what is your budget and when exactly are you going to buy?
19 Apr 2003
no master!? :o
I promise - i will buy the best B550 (within reason) - as long as it's fanless.

If they have fans - then probably the ULTRA but with a lot of regret from time wasted... :/

Although, your ITX fetish (and that case) has really tweaked my interest and may end up as a entertainment/lounge PC. May have to limit that to a 3600...
19 Apr 2003
@Plec or get the ftz01 and mod it to fit the master :)
Just ask @orbitalwalsh
LOL - he's getting it gratis (PHEW!) so it's a go. YAY, on so many levels!

I hope it works out for him - and can't wait for his build log as i'm still struggling as to how it will fit. But, he's done stuff like this before so i'm prepared to be wowed - and it would be very cool if he got his 3600 in an ITX case with his x470.
4 Feb 2018
what is your budget and when exactly are you going to buy?

I'm literally poised to buy as soon as. I've just got life biting me in the rear at the moment so I needed an hour to just put it all together and submit it to the correct part of the forum (I keep meaning to ask, where do I drop my build to discuss them putting it together?)

I'm prioritising performance over bling, so I'm glad to swap out the RAM for higher quality lower decoration. I'm aiming for £2500, however if an extra £100/£200 would make a meaningful difference anywhere I can put the money together. Also @Plec thanks for all your help too!

It looks like you guys aren't over-enamored by the 2080Ti unless I have more cash than I know what to do with, so perhaps a 2080 Super (I know you're not all convinced by them but I have the money if the performance is justifiable) is a wiser choice.

I can submit this tomorrow or Friday if there's something I'm happy with however I feel very out-of-my-depth with some aspects of the discussion (swapping out SSDs making sure I'm getting the right quality ones, getting the RAM recommended by @Plec if not direct from Overclockers Website and overclocking myself etc).

Also love the chatting vibe going on here despite having no idea what you're all talking about :D
Man of Honour
26 May 2012
@PhilipOmnis so if i read it're getting ocuk to build the spec for you?

so perhaps a 2080 Super (I know you're not all convinced by them but I have the money if the performance is justifiable) is a wiser choice.

card model:    performance %:    price £:     price % of 2080 super:      price/performance ratio relative to 2080S (higher = better):
2070 super        88                519            71                                 1.23
2080              94                630            86                                 1.09
2080 super        100               729           100                                 1.00
2080ti            116               1050          144                                 0.80

make the decision yourself ;)
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4 Feb 2018

Hey bud, apologies I didn't respond sooner, it didn't alert me. Also sorry if it wasn't clear but yes, intend to get OC to build it. I am able to install certain elements later myself if required e.g. SSD etc but ideally I'd like to just get it done in one sitting for warranty's sake and for the overclocking that they do (presuming that's still a thing? Last build I got from here was 8 years ago so my memory is a little off).


Thanks for the breakdown btw. Hasn't helped my decision much but at least made it clearer! Makes the 2080 Super not as good value for money but still better performance. I suppose I could consider going for the 2070 super, and then saving that money toward upgrading in the future.
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15 Apr 2019
LOL - he's getting it gratis (PHEW!) so it's a go. YAY, on so many levels!

I hope it works out for him - and can't wait for his build log as i'm still struggling as to how it will fit. But, he's done stuff like this before so i'm prepared to be wowed - and it would be very cool if he got his 3600 in an ITX case with his x470.
Yeah, I'm also struggling to see how the ATX motherboard will fit in that case along with all the other components. Will gladly be proven wrong. Hope it goes swimmingly for him.

Then to top that the next project would have to be something like E-ATX motherboard in a Dan A4.
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