New Build Approx. £2500 Budget

Man of Honour
26 May 2012
hmmm...just had a look at ocuk's prices again. i really don't think i can, in good conscience, recommend a full build to be built by ocuk currently.
prices are being gouged to hell and back. by £200 or more when compared to shopping for the best deals online...and i haven't factored the build cost into it yet - which is usually in the region of £100-150
4 Feb 2018
hmmm...just had a look at ocuk's prices again. i really don't think i can, in good conscience, recommend a full build to be built by ocuk currently.
prices are being gouged to hell and back. by £200 or more when compared to shopping for the best deals online...and i haven't factored the build cost into it yet - which is usually in the region of £100-150

Hey bud, thanks for the message. That's a real pain. I did factor in the build cost outside of my budget, meaning that it doesn't affect what we've discussed so far. I may entertain the idea of fully building myself, but I don't have a dedicated space or toolkit for doing so. Also dread the thought of having to wait for individual parts to arrive (area is notorious for "Wasn't home" cards being shoved through the letterbox). Does OCUK fluctuate often or can I expect this to be the standard for the next month or so?
1 Dec 2015

do it! If you do self build and go gigabyte, can pester the rep on here if something is a miss, or if you get the MASTER @Plec can help you as he secretly has it tucked away

I would make the argument that you could have your cake and eat it now - within reason.

1440p is the gaming sweetspot - you could get the 2070Super (or 2080Super if wanted) and buy a quality 1440p monitor with a modified build and start enjoying your system now playing all games on high settings and high FPS.

Build is for example purposes to be tweaked if necessary. You could have an ultra wide screen monitor for example (although will effect price). Note you could save £100 buy subbing out the NVMe drives for alternate models (Sabrient) or Crucial MX500 M.2s from OcUK - no discernible speed difference in gaming.

The Elite X570 comes with £30 worth of Steam vouchers - so makes it comparable to the gaming X.

*Note you would need to add 32GB of Crucial Ballistix Sport LT 3200MHz Memory to this build bringing you to your budget limit - but will clock to 3600MHz+ but without the bling but way better performance potential:

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £2,271.89 (includes shipping: £28.02)

nice ^^^^^

@Plec or get the ftz01 and mod it to fit the master :)
Just ask @orbitalwalsh

working on the Master- X470 7 will have to do for now - need to beg Team group next

LOL - he's getting it gratis (PHEW!) so it's a go. YAY, on so many levels!

I hope it works out for him - and can't wait for his build log as i'm still struggling as to how it will fit. But, he's done stuff like this before so i'm prepared to be wowed - and it would be very cool if he got his 3600 in an ITX case with his x470.


and @tamzzy does strike a cord. prices have risen sharply... all i can say without getting a ban hammer. Been pushing corsair a few times to have other resellers align their pricing better

and also few family health issues cropping up so mod might be slow or fast or lack of me on here
4 Feb 2018
@orbitalwalsh Do it to which part? =P If you are enthusiastic for Plec's build, I'll give it another look over. Maybe swap the 2070 for a 2080 Super 'cause why not. Along with grabbing the RAM it'll push me over my budget but that's with the addition of the monitor. Would OCUK do a partial build if I didn't include something like RAM? Almost seems daft to pay for a build that's not complete :D

EDIT: There was a sneaky ninja edit I see in there! Not sure what you mean by 'MASTER' unless you're referring to @Plec being one (which I'm sure there's no debate).
1 Dec 2015
@orbitalwalsh Do it to which part? =P If you are enthusiastic for Plec's build, I'll give it another look over. Maybe swap the 2070 for a 2080 Super 'cause why not. Along with grabbing the RAM it'll push me over my budget but that's with the addition of the monitor. Would OCUK do a partial build if I didn't include something like RAM? Almost seems daft to pay for a build that's not complete :D

EDIT: There was a sneaky ninja edit I see in there! Not sure what you mean by 'MASTER' unless you're referring to @Plec being one (which I'm sure there's no debate).

@tamzzy you've created a MONSTER! @Plec _The_Master!!!

@PhilipOmnis the RTX 2080 Super - doesn't pull ahead of the 2080 as much as one would have hoped. Maybe if you were looking at 4k screen without 2080ti budget or ultrawide 1440P and looking to grab every FPS- then you'd also be pairing it with Intel in that case .
2070 super does nip at the heels of standard 2080

i dont think you'll see extra FPS to warranty £220 increase

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £1,970.07 (includes shipping: £11.10)
1 Dec 2015
@orbitalwalsh already done the ba



chasing every last frame/ min lowest framerate

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £2,344.77 (includes shipping: £15.90)

^then cry when intel 10 core is out - not that 8 core intel or ryzne 3*** is bad . just always the way with hardware - though for a long while CPU development was painful !
7nm EUV + is looking to be an animal for AMD and it needs to be!​
Man of Honour
26 May 2012
A glass half-full man, I see.
okay. maybe i neglected to add that one would also need a brain, a functioning set of eyes and two hands (with 2 thumbs and fingers that work) too...
(and maybe youtube if it is one's first time building)

otherwise, yes, all you actually do need, is a screwdriver :p
4 Feb 2018
okay. maybe i neglected to add that one would also need a brain, a functioning set of eyes and two hands (with 2 thumbs and fingers that work) too...
(and maybe youtube if it is one's first time building)

otherwise, yes, all you actually do need, is a screwdriver :p

Possible to squeeze a brain into my current budget? Any recommendations for YouTube videos? While I'd rather have it all done for me neatly in a bow, I'll entertain the idea =P If I do go for a build, I suppose I should start shopping around as well. Any recommendations regarding guides for overclocking as well? I know we're going into entirely different territory I'm just feeling somewhat overwhelmed :D
Man of Honour
26 May 2012
Any recommendations for YouTube videos?

Any recommendations regarding guides for overclocking as well?
depends on which build you go for.
if ryzen, overclocking manually is (mostly) pointless for most people - the auto overclocking algorithm works well enough for 99.9% of users.
for intel you'll have to change in bios, but we can sort something out when you get to that stage.
4 Feb 2018
think of it as saving ~£300. that's more than enough for a night out with strippers your mates

I don't even...

Okay, so I'll bite on buying as I've just looked elsewhere as a first glance. Could get the build recommended by @orbitalwalsh with some minor changes. £2136.89.

That build is:

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £2,070.82 (includes shipping: £15.90)

Also includes Crucial Ballistix Sport LT 32GB 3200MHz RAM (not on OC to add to basket.)

So a saving of approx. £120 on parts. £100/£150 on labor instead of OCUK building for me. And free delivery on all parts.

No CPU Thermal Paste is included, any recommendations on that one as I've never dealt with that before either.
1 Dec 2015
A glass half-full man, I see.

@orbitalwalsh Another build? I swear you guys are like Mary Poppins' handbag. Does your suggestion push more in line with what you were saying about pairing with intel?

thats just finding every ounce of FPS - if your got the budget great - downside is you cant slap in intels next line of 10 core CPUs in a few year- though doubt you will. AMD AM4 platform, yes you could chuck in a 16+ core ryzen 4*** in a few years time , but like intel 2021 will need a new motherboard socket. To be honest both intel and amd 8 core will last a GOOD few years!!!!

ditch the white PSU- now full price and 7 yr warranty - too expensive

again, intel is chasing FPS - not the best value - well X570 isnt a value board . worth shifting through some gaming benchmarks for what you play and plan to play !

i'd be happy with either 9700k or 3700x !!! actually changing my 2700 non X at 4ghz to 3600X as i need better core speed then cores
Last edited:
4 Feb 2018
thats just finding every ounce of FPS - if your got the budget great - downside is you cant slap in intels next line of 10 core CPUs in a few year- though doubt you will. AMD AM4 platform, yes you could chuck in a 16+ core ryzen 4*** in a few years time , but like intel 2021 will need a new motherboard socket. To be honest both intel and amd 8 core will last a GOOD few years!!!!

ditch the white PSU- now full price and 7 yr warranty - too expensive

again, intel is chasing FPS - not the best value - well X570 isnt a value board . worth shifting through some gaming benchmarks for what you play and plan to play !

i'd be happy with either 9700k or 3700x !!! actually changing my 2700 non X at 4ghz to 3600X as i need better core speed then cores

Did you just...spec another build. I love you guys, lol.

Having spent the last 5 years glad to get more than 20 FPS on some games (don't ask me how I coped) I'm interested in chasing FPS, not just best value (hence the contemplation of a 2080Ti). I'm just not exactly made of money and can afford the extra cost if it is justifiable. Did you sub out some parts to make that build affordable and forgive my complete ignorance on PSUs, is it not worth the extra £100 for what I get from the white one?
1 Dec 2015

sorry- edited it will have to check it again. AMD and 2080ti ... over kill but within your budget with a screen

def agree with the others, at £2500, you should aim to get a monitor with the PC ! £2.5k on just a tower... madness unless its for workloads
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