New Build Approx. £2500 Budget

1 Dec 2015
@Plec least theirs choice- but with OCUK 9700K prices just being silly! even a HIGH STREET SHOP is doing it cheaper... really...

think with a 2080ti i'd be ingame rendering at 4k :D then theres B450 with 3700x option etc - more mind mess!
19 Apr 2003
@Plec least theirs choice- but with OCUK 9700K prices just being silly! even a HIGH STREET SHOP is doing it cheaper... really...

think with a 2080ti i'd be ingame rendering at 4k :D then theres B450 with 3700x option etc - more mind mess!
True - and as you've mentioned previously the 9700K would hold up for many years. And, yes, spec me threads are difficult at the moment - i've written/listed a couple out but know it's confusing for OP if they have no idea on component parts. (But suggest you avoid this topic area - i want to see your destro build log and you can't do that suspended :D)

@PhilipOmnis - to clarify your budget and future screen:

You have £2500 to spend on a tower now - but what is your 'definite' intention panel wise - 1440p, 4k, UKTRA wide?

The tower at the moment could take many forms with your premium budget but clarification on monitor choice would streamline the options.
4 Feb 2018
Orbi, this was a clean, wholesome family-friendly thread (ignoring @tamzzy's impote memory problems) - and then in you come with your blue bag of confusion :D

@tamzzy - do you think @PhilipOmnis's head would pop if i @'ed ESAT right now? ^^^ :D

He did - and it's pure Orbi MORE power :D

My head is literally already popping. Anarchy. Pure anarchy. @orbitalwalsh - I'm presuming if I'm just burning money for the sake of it at this point, putting a 2080Ti in your first spec is acceptable and the more powerful of the two, yes? My initial idea was to spend £2500 on a rig. No monitor, just a flat £2500 for the rig. Swapping out the PSU from my last quoted build would put me at £2036. Bearing in mind we're now discussing monitors I wouldn't mind the extra £££s to spare, however I had full intention of spending that on the rig; so 2080Ti is plausible. A "Gigabyte GeForce RTX 2080 Ti TURBO 11G" is floating for around £1040, putting my total cost at approx. £2336 if I swapped the Super for a Ti.

EDIT: @Plec - Frankly one of the reasons I hadn't intended to do so straight away was because I wasn't entirely sure. Unhelpfully for you, I'm happy to take recommendations. This will probably be the only time in my life I can appreciate the 'premium' experience so I'm intending on making it what it's worth, but with a Ti it certainly puts me toward the end of my budget. I'd gladly get something that does it justice, but there would be no more frivolous purchases at that point, it would be best value for money on what to get that makes full use of it.

Apologies for any incoherence. Between the sleep deprivation of the manflu I'm experiencing and the current confusion from this thread, I'm not much use to anyone.
1 Dec 2015

what @Plec runs...

yes, 2080 ti is an animal ! 2080 super needed to be more powerful and should have been a cut down 2080ti chip, not full 2080 chip as there is still a good jump between the two !

but... it still could happen if AMD makes a break for 2080/2080ti performance next year.


turbo card... will drive you nuts ! unless you water cool it!!!! or slap on AIO GPU kit !

should have been 2.5 slot and wider width

also, @Plec
Man of Honour
26 May 2012
@tamzzy - do you think @PhilipOmnis's head would pop if i @'ed ESAT right now? ^^^ :D

Did you just...spec another build. I love you guys, lol.
many ways to skin a cat, so to speak

don't know how i feel about 9700k, it's 8 cores with no hyperthreading, whereas the 3700x is 8 cores WITH hyperthreading. yes 9700k is great if you're chasing down every last FPS for the system, but i suspect 3700x would age better.
no rights or wrongs with this one. only speculation.

BUUUUUUUUUUUUUT, if we're heading that way, @orbitalwalsh might as well just spec the 9900k lol :p

My initial idea was to spend £2500 on a rig. No monitor, just a flat £2500 for the rig.
you don't need to spend that much tbh. £2500 on a whole system (ie inc peripherals etc) is more than sufficient. what you'll see is actually less bang for buck as you climb the performance tree.
it's probably more value if you buy a decent system now (ie not top end), and upgrade in in a few years time
4 Feb 2018

what @Plec runs...

yes, 2080 ti is an animal ! 2080 super needed to be more powerful and should have been a cut down 2080ti chip, not full 2080 chip as there is still a good jump between the two !

but... it still could happen if AMD makes a break for 2080/2080ti performance next year.


turbo card... will drive you nuts ! unless you water cool it!!!! or slap on AIO GPU kit !

should have been 2.5 slot and wider width

also, @Plec

You'll have to forgive my ignorance, what's the difference between a turbo and other more expensive models?


many ways to skin a cat, so to speak

don't know how i feel about 9700k, it's 8 cores with no hyperthreading, whereas the 3700x is 8 cores WITH hyperthreading. yes 9700k is great if you're chasing down every last FPS for the system, but i suspect 3700x would age better.
no rights or wrongs with this one. only speculation.

BUUUUUUUUUUUUUT, if we're heading that way, @orbitalwalsh might as well just spec the 9900k lol :p

you don't need to spend that much tbh. £2500 on a whole system (ie inc peripherals etc) is more than sufficient. what you'll see is actually less bang for buck as you climb the performance tree.
it's probably more value if you buy a decent system now (ie not top end), and upgrade in in a few years time

Oh goodness, I honestly don't know when you put it like that. Does it mostly come down to CPU and GPU at this point for 'not top end'? Perhaps squeezing FPS may not be a big deal if I have to think seriously about upgrading in the future. That and making space for the monitor. I think I might need to save this budget it and put it toward a hair transplant at the rate we're going =P
19 Apr 2003
I need more 2Tb drives (but not at present prices) and you RGB'd me!!! (And a 2070Super will suffice :p)

you don't need to spend that much tbh. £2500 on a whole system (ie inc peripherals etc) is more than sufficient. what you'll see is actually less bang for buck as you climb the performance tree.
it's probably more value if you buy a decent system now (ie not top end), and upgrade in in a few years time
Agree with this on the whole - we will spend your money (Well, Orbi will spend that and more) - but without that screen spec we could be doing you a disservice (i.e. over speccing/spending). Especially, as we could be looking to save money in areas (that PSU) to get you a more immersive experience with a better panel (still doesn't have to be 4k).

Do you have an example panel size that you're thinking of - 27", 32" ULTRA wide - you may be restricted in size due to space which again may regulate/structure of the spec.
4 Feb 2018
I need more 2Tb drives (but not at present prices) and you RGB'd me!!! (And a 2070Super will suffice :p)

Agree with this on the whole - we will spend your money (Well, Orbi will spend that and more) - but without that screen spec we could be doing you a disservice (i.e. over speccing/spending). Especially, as we could be looking to save money in areas (that PSU) to get you a more immersive experience with a better panel (still doesn't have to be 4k).

Do you have an example panel size that you're thinking of - 27", 32" ULTRA wide - you may be restricted in size due to space which again may regulate/structure of the spec.

Space is no issue, I'm used to playing on a variety of screens. I use my PC on an old 19" monitor at this point since it's for work rather than gaming, and my gaming console on a 42" 4K TV, so I am comfortable with just about anything. Immersive experience sounds on par with what I would be interested in. While I'm all for size, I know 24"/27" is generally agreed as a good size for gaming but I'm pretty flexible if you think one size is better. Sorry to be so indecisive about these things!

@tamzzy Another build? Are you mad Sir? =P I'm fine for peripherals however I could probably do with a new keyboard/mouse if you recommend that set. At this point I'm starting to get fuller image of what is generally being recommended. If I'm going full u-turn and building myself, then I'm not too worried about shopping all parts from OCUK. Out of interest, is there a benefit of running a 2TB SSD vs two 1TB ones as previously speccd (I know they're out of stock on OCUK atm.)
Man of Honour
26 May 2012
@tamzzy Another build? Are you mad Sir?
well it's only a tweak on what i've previously suggested. :) so not really a full "new" spec per se

Out of interest, is there a benefit of running a 2TB SSD vs two 1TB ones as previously speccd (I know they're out of stock on OCUK atm.)
correct i've specced a 2tb ssd precisely because the 1tb version is out of stock (and also more expensive - at ocuk)
depends on how you see it, some people like to segregate their data, some won't.
1 drive = all data lost if it fails
2 drives = half data lost if it fails, but double the chance of failure since there's 2 drives involved
(but as always, backup, backup, backup)

so much of a muchness really.
i guess also with 2 drives, one can run RAID, but not really needed for your usage scenario.
4 Feb 2018
well it's only a tweak on what i've previously suggested. :) so not really a full "new" spec per se

correct i've specced a 2tb ssd precisely because the 1tb version is out of stock (and also more expensive - at ocuk)
depends on how you see it, some people like to segregate their data, some won't.
1 drive = all data lost if it fails
2 drives = half data lost if it fails, but double the chance of failure since there's 2 drives involved
(but as always, backup, backup, backup)

so much of a muchness really.
i guess also with 2 drives, one can run RAID, but not really needed for your usage scenario.

Another layman question coming up. Difference between the SSDs you've specc'd and the Teamgroup 1TB one? I'm just staring at numbers on paper at this point while watching your handy YouTube videos on self-building.
Man of Honour
26 May 2012
Difference between the SSDs you've specc'd and the Teamgroup 1TB one?
the corsair mp510 is an nvme m.2 ssd
teamgroup 1tb is a sata 3 2.5 inch ssd

nvme is approx 6x as fast as sata 3 - in sequential read (and sometimes write) speeds - although in real world loads, this isn't as impressive and there's little difference between nvme and sata3 except when hammering the storage subsystem (eg 4k video editing or same drive file copying)
m.2 is a newer form factor that looks like a stick of chewing gum and fits right onto the motherboard. so no extra wires/connectors like there are to connect a 2.5 inch drive

of course you can get a sata3 m.2 drive - but kinda pointless as they are near enough the same price as a nvme m.2 drive
4 Feb 2018
the corsair mp510 is an nvme m.2 ssd
teamgroup 1tb is a sata 3 2.5 inch ssd

nvme is approx 6x as fast as sata 3 - in sequential read (and sometimes write) speeds - although in real world loads, this isn't as impressive and there's little difference between nvme and sata3 except when hammering the storage subsystem (eg 4k video editing or same drive file copying)
m.2 is a newer form factor that looks like a stick of chewing gum and fits right onto the motherboard. so no extra wires/connectors like there are to connect a 2.5 inch drive

of course you can get a sata3 m.2 drive - but kinda pointless as they are near enough the same price as a nvme m.2 drive

Considering cabling is a little bit daunting for a novice, less is good. For the reference of everyone who's taken the time to help out. Firstly thank you, you're all awesome. Secondly; given that I'm now opting to build myself, I will be buying the parts over this weekend in preparation for building next week. If there's any useful tools or resources anyone would recommend (one video suggested twist ties for cable management) I would love you all dearly. Still unsure on the final build as you've all given me loads to think about, but I'm getting there. Looking at potentially the X570 Elite. 3700x CPU, 2080 Super (still on the fence but feel like I ought to at least be a little frivolous), ballistix LT Sport 32GB, 2x 960gb SSD NVMe M.2. - the remaining paraphernalia I feel like is mostly semantics and so will put them up with my final build.

Thanks again for all your help, everyone. If you ever find yourself near my local the pints are on me.
19 Apr 2003
@Plec will defintiely take you up on that offer lol
Yep, but even i would struggle with pints of single malt - but if needs must...

@tamzzy will be happy with any S&M paraphernalia - nothing that draws too much blood as we're trying to reduce his antibiotic intake.

@orbitalwalsh - car boot Xmas lights - especially one's that have rotational patterns. Although, he will need an adult present to switch them off eventually, otherwise he'll forget to eat and drink.

@orbitalwalsh, there will come a time when you will achieve the Gigabyte Grand Slam :D
19 Apr 2003
Looking at potentially the X570 Elite. 3700x CPU, 2080 Super (still on the fence but feel like I ought to at least be a little frivolous), ballistix LT Sport 32GB, 2x 960gb SSD NVMe M.2. - the remaining paraphernalia I feel like is mostly semantics and so will put them up with my final build.
If I was starting afresh - with your budget of ~£2500+ my essentials would be:

  • 3700X (ignoring INTEL for simplicity sake - plus i would anyway)
  • X570 Gigabyte (Elite makes sense with cash back)
  • 2070 SUPER
  • 32GB Crucial Ballistix Sport LT
  • SSD - NVMe within budget but 2TB 2 x 1Tb (would be happy with MX500 to put £100 towards other component)
  • Quality Gold rated 750W
  • Decent silent orientated AIR cooler (like i said i'm bias)
  • Solid case (silent orientated - but again depends on your preferences)
  • And an IPS panel over TN 1440p - personally i would stretch the budget for IPS (again personal preference - as i dislike TN and you have the means to get a quality panel)
EDIT: And a philips to go with your screwdriver - and lots of zip ties.

*Pick apart each component and ask what you want out of it and you should be able to narrow down your spec. AIO may be more your liking, relative silence may not be an issue, you may want 4K but we've bamboozled you out of it...
Last edited:
4 Feb 2018
If I was starting afresh - with your budget of ~£2500+ my essentials would be:

  • 3700X (ignoring INTEL for simplicity sake - plus i would anyway)
  • X570 Gigabyte (Elite makes sense with cash back)
  • 2070 SUPER
  • 32GB Crucial Ballistix Sport LT
  • SSD - NVMe within budget but 2TB 2 x 1Tb (would be happy with MX500 to put £100 towards other component)
  • Quality Gold rated 750W
  • Decent silent orientated AIR cooler (like i said i'm bias)
  • Solid case (silent orientated - but again depends on your preferences)
  • And an IPS panel over TN 1440p - personally i would stretch the budget for IPS (again personal preference - as i dislike TN and you have the means to get a quality panel)
EDIT: And a philips to go with your screwdriver - and lots of zip ties.

*Pick apart each component and ask what you want out of it and you should be able to narrow down your spec. AIO may be more your liking, relative silence may not be an issue, you may want 4K but we've bamboozled you out of it...

A lovely list.

Motherboard sounds good; CPU sounds good; GPU, we've back-pedaled to a 2070 Super now? =P; RAM sounds good, SSD I'm not worried about the extra £100 would rather stick to the NVMe; plenty of PSUs already suggested so good there; I'm unfamiliar with AIO and how to maintain them so happy to stick with air cooler as well; think you suggested a silent case earlier that I'm happy with.

If I'm being honest I'm still not quite sure what it is I want, but as long as I can stream, edit my videos/media and game to the highest acceptable quality then I have no qualms.

With regards to monitors, no clue so will have to look into what's what (no clue with all the technical jargon you're using).

Also for the record I feel utterly bamboozled. :D
19 Apr 2003
we've back-pedaled to a 2070 Super now?
Get the 2080 (that was an example of my list) - you have the funds and there really is no right or wrong with your budget, plus it's a faster card.

If I'm being honest I'm still not quite sure what it is I want, but as long as I can stream, edit my videos/media and game to the highest acceptable quality then I have no qualms.
You're getting there - you'll slowly get a feel for what it is that you want and need. You're head will slowly unscramble the components and their relative worth - you're getting there i can tell from your more recent pots.

With regards to monitors, no clue so will have to look into what's what (no clue with all the technical jargon you're using).
IPS has better colour definition and has the benefits of VA with the speed/response of TN - it's the best panel if budget allows.

Also for the record I feel utterly bamboozled. :D
That's our primary goal.
1 Dec 2015
Apologies, had to take me daughter for hip x-ray , was a superstar.

@tamzzy honestly couldn't go 9900k . 9700k is their poster boy even if they do banish it to the back of the line .
@PhilipOmnis , AMD version of Hyper threading is actually a lot better then Intel's. This is shown by the fact Intel's 9700k 8 core 8 thread beats the previous 8700k 6 cores and 12 threads. As a rule, more cores are better then threads , but AMD is on a steam role. Rumors of 3 threads to one core with next ryzen could be a Destroyer !!!!

Also, the Turbo card is a blower style cooling unit. Loud and hot, other brands and versions are opened fan design so more fans and cooler/quieter .

Also, push the Aorus 1440p monitor if you can and looking for IPS . Nice screen ! Couldn't go back to TN panel due to colour

I also see we've gone from £2500 2080ti and 1440p monitor to 2070super... ;( But ! You've also saved money ! And sense ! Haha

But I'm liking the 32GB, if your like @tamzzy and love Cities Skylines, well needed !!!
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