New build problems, please help!

20 Nov 2004
Hi all, need some help with my new build. I used to have the pc in the sig below. I wanted to upgrade the gcard so i have brought a new dfi expert mobo and a 7900GT. I stripped the pc down, cleaned it all, and have now rebuilt it with the new mobo and gcard.

I was originally using 2 hard drives, 1 36gig raptor and a 300 hard drive as storage. But i know the raptor has bad sectors because in the past when i have formatted it i have to leave about 5 gig unpartitioned else windows goes mad! So i thought id ditch the raptor and just use the 300 gig.

I got it all up and running, installed windows no problem and begain installing the mobo drivers. Windows froze! I restarted it but it did it again a few mons in! I tried a reformat but that hasnt helped.

I thought id try the raptor as maybe the 300gig is damaged but thats giving me the same problems.

So what do i do now?! :(
check that everything is seated right... then check that the connection between the HDD and the MB is ok... are you using SATA??

Admiral Huddy said:
.. I'm wondering if your new motherboards memory settings are incorrect? Make they the are set to auto/SPD or to the recommended settings.

There set to T1 2-2-3-6. I know the ram can do 2-2-2-6 so it should be ok. Its running at 200mhz to, so thats ok aint it?
Stelly said:
check that everything is seated right... then check that the connection between the HDD and the MB is ok... are you using SATA??


Yes i am using sata, using port one on the mobo. I have checked the wire and its ok. I could try a new lead a suppose, but windows works fine untill it freezes.

What do you mean by everything seated right? Shall i reseat the cpu? I didnt think the problem i am getting could be cpu related?
try a new wire... it does sound like RAM... dont bother with the CPU... if you have 2 sticks of RAM try running it with one stick then the other and see if it crashes with either one

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good advice there from Stelly.. yes it def sounds RAM related.. check the Vdimm voltages as well.

If you are convinced it the H/D, then so if you can get into DOS using a startup disk, then run a scandisk of the drive.
I dont know what it is to be honist. I originally had the ram in the two yellow slots but i have moved them to the orange now. Still same problem though.

I have noticed that in the event viewer under system there are millions of errors called cdrom. The properties say there is a driver error.

Could the controller on the mobo be naff?

Shall i try reinstalling windows from sata5 instead of sata 1 as i think its on a different controller isnt it?
try one stick at a time, if thats fine, try one in yellow one in orange (i presume its in dual chan if both are in yellow/orange)
Ok, ive pulled one stick out and booted into windows and left the screensaver running (normally freezes on that to). So hopefully i will know in the next 10 mins if it is the ram stick that i have pulled out thats giving me grief.

On a side note, 512 ram! Been a while since i have seen that i my rig! Looks odd! :p
Wait a minute.... When i install windows, should i have pressed f6 and gave windows the sata floppy that came with the mobo?! :rolleyes:
Yucca said:
Wait a minute.... When i install windows, should i have pressed f6 and gave windows the sata floppy that came with the mobo?! :rolleyes:

Only if you have an install disk that is pre SP2 or you need RAID iirc

I can't be that, you'd get a message saying missing operating system.
how many SATA slots have you got on your motherboard... is it one with two SATA chips? one nvidia and one other?

Stelly, yea i think there is 4 controlled by silicon image and 4 by nvidia. I tried sticking the cable into port 5 rather than one and the pc didnt even recognise that a hd was connected?!

But then you all said forget playing about with that and try the ram thing so im doing that now. Been 5 mins and all is ok so far. Report back in 15 mins! If it holds out, we may have found the problem!

Guna cost me more money though! :(
It froze! Going to try the second stick now! No i havnt tried memtest but what i am doing now should tell me its the ram if it is shouldnt it.

The ram was fine a few days ago in my old mobo so i think it has somthing to do with the board tbh.
ok after testing the memory... try enabling all the SATA ports, if you are using the nvidia ones try the silcon ones instead... I have had problems like that on an MSI mboard... I would also try flashing the BIOS

Ok the memory didnt make any difference at all. I am going to try and use a different sata port now see if that helps.

If not, im guna pop down my mates and try an ide drive.

Dont really wana flash the drive cus 1) might have to send it back 2) For the ammount of money i have spent on the mobo, it should work!
I had the same problem with the SATA ports on my MSI board... I flashed it and it work perfectly mate, but can understand why you wouldnt wanna flash it

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