Yep, I'm not being very helpful, because I don't really know. I've enjoyed running nice cars, probably as a pride thing as you hinted at. What I need and want are different ha.
Really, I'd like another EV if possible for the ease of home charging, but I've never had to suffer real range anxiety of the use of non tesla chargers. It's a huge plus having the Tesla network. I would like a quick car again, but a petrol option would cost stupid money again, so the only way to do so is another EV. Or, I take the opportunity to go ultra slow and boring and save money.
I don't have a huge amount in savings, but a very good house deposit should I need it (partner owns the house, I pay bills etc.). I'd like to keep most of it in tact for any huge life changes. Marriage and getting on the property ladder are life points I've yet to reach.
Basically, it needs to be reliable, comfy, bigger than a small hatchback (astra, focus etc. at least) for boot space. Towing isn't an requirement and we don't do huge trips. We are going to Cornwall from Newcastle in a month and we'll be going in the partner's Kia Piccanto, which I'm desperate to avoid haha.
Realistically, the new job will be fine, but I'm just anxious of committing (yeah, commitment is a real problem with me) to a large financial deal just as I'm leaving one employer to start another.