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May be a stupid question but if it has a door does that mean there is no fron intake fan?

Corsair rarely do front intake - mainly under intake, over intake and rear exhaust (or however you set it up). Mainly designed for watercooling is the impression I get from most of Corsair's cases.
Such nice cases worth checking out the pictures on the official site as they have a few more on it.
The 550D looks like a great case for silence with the option of removing the silent panels and putting fans on the side instead.

Corsair rarely do front intake - mainly under intake, over intake and rear exhaust (or however you set it up). Mainly designed for watercooling is the impression I get from most of Corsair's cases.

"Obsidian Series 550D comes with two front-mounted 120mm intake fans and one 120mm exhaust fan – more than enough for delivering the airflow required for a high-performance system. But if you’re pushing past high performance and into the realm of extreme-performance overclocking, there’s room for a lot more. The top panel provides room for two 120mm or 140mm fans, or a 240mm radiator for compatibility with Corsair Hydro Series CPU coolers and other liquid cooling systems. The side panel has mounting points for another two 120mm or 140mm fans for cooling multiple GPUs. In total, the 550D offers ten 120mm fan mounting points, six of which can also accommodate 140mm fans."

Taken from Corsairs site.
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Right better 300R pics



IMHO the 550D has some really well designed 'quiet pc' features.

No significant holes in the front, top or side - check
Twin material construction, steal and aluminum vibrate at different frequencies - check (quality of juctions become very important)
Minimal holes to rear - check
Door to hide / reduce noise from optical drive - check
Indirect sound path for front intake - check
Option for passive stack (fanless) opperation (vents on base / roof) - check
External passive watercooling gromits - check
Sound-proofing material (?) - of limited value but check
Magnetic dust filters - check

The psu is in the wrong place - if it was at the top you could remove all the fans except the psu (extract) - but you can't have every thing.
room for a low fpi rad in the roof (run passively) - maybe...

Would make a really good base for a 2 fan system (psu and rear extract)
or a one fan 120.2 semi-passive watercooled system.

It's not a SLI / Crossfire case - but an inaudible SB / 560gtx / 80+ gold psu = easy
In direct compertition with the Antec P280
Send me a sample and I'll prove it ;)
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Looks as though the internals of the 550D are pretty similar to the 500R, if not identical, so likely the dimensions are the same. give or take a few mm
Like Corsair cases.

Shame for me that their after-sales support is terrible. Which I'm surprised about as anyone.

Had issues with my 500R a while back. Corsair got forwarded to my issues by some nice folks here at OcUK, had an email from them asking for details. Sent details, including invoice etc, not heard a thing since. Emailed them again, still not heard anything in months now.

I'm not trying to put people off the cases as they are nice cases & well designed but I'll think twice now before I purchase another Corsair case.
Corsair cases are great. I would definitely pick that 300R over the Antec 300.

I've had good experience with Corsair support, there was a slight dent on side of my case when it arrived, and they shipped me another side panel, no questions asked.
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