New Corsair Case Range - PRE-ORDER NOW!

I gave him your email to help resolve your situation, hope you don't mind :)

can you give him mine aswell please, i was mid conversation with corsair support then ive not hard a reply since before christmas even tho ive bumped it 3 or 4 times
Well to update again & hopefully the last time.

Corsair pulled out all the stops & shipped, free of charge, a brand new replacement case all the way from California. Not just the broken parts, which I'd have been happy with, but a whole new case. My faith in Corsair has been restored.

It just arrived now along with my Logitech G15 which I'd ordered too (delivered by same courier). :)
the hybrid-ity of the 550d worries me. I want to pre-order but resisting because I want to see end users doing a side by side comparison and hopefully some reviews on the actual silence feature. I was soo sure of pulling the trigger on the p280, but now the 550d has got my taste buds wet.
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