NEW Creative Sound Cards! Bring on the Recon 3D!

Just as a heads up the Recon3D Fatal1ty doesn't state in the product name or description what interface it is using - but judging by the image it is PCI-E?

I know some less savvy people would want to know.. :)
I think I definitely prefer the sleek look of the Xonar's. I'm also a bit in shock that they're selling a £90 card without a electric noise shield as such...

These do look like they might fit into a RoG rig or the such like quite well though.

I don't think that shield is there for any other reason than looking good. What would be the point anyway, they've put a bloody window in it and plastic won't shield EMI.
I think I definitely prefer the sleek look of the Xonar's. I'm also a bit in shock that they're selling a £90 card without a electric noise shield as such...

These do look like they might fit into a RoG rig or the such like quite well though.


Trust me, the sound card that comes with rog boards is just as good as a dedicated. Not had any problems at all with mine.

Besides, my rad takes up all the spare room in my ft03, these wouldn't fit :D
Excuse the n00biness, but what exactly does a sound card do?

Serious question. I do what i do with anything i don't know about, I buy the best looking, more expensive one :(
Excuse the n00biness, but what exactly does a sound card do?

they take the audio off the cpu and process it separately, where they can do it with less noise/interference, so you get a cleaner sound. it depends how sensitive your hearing is really to which one you should get. and some onboards are really good now, i gave my x-fi away and just use my p6t-deluxe onboard as the difference in quality was negligible and the card was blocking half of my graphics fan intake. also i promised myself i wouldn't buy creative after the whole driver and support issues. so when i do get a new soundcard it will be an asus. shame really as i think the creative tech is better, but whats the point if you can't use it and get told they will sort it when they can - which then takes over 18 months.

they take the audio off the cpu and process it separately, where they can do it with less noise/interference, so you get a cleaner sound. it depends how sensitive your hearing is really to which one you should get. and some onboards are really good now, i gave my x-fi away and just use my p6t-deluxe onboard as the difference in quality was negligible and the card was blocking half of my graphics fan intake. also i promised myself i wouldn't buy creative after the whole driver and support issues. so when i do get a new soundcard it will be an asus. shame really as i think the creative tech is better, but whats the point if you can't use it and get told they will sort it when they can - which then takes over 18 months.

Thanks :D

now onto my second question, are there any watercoolable sound cards? :D:p

Sound cards do not produce enough heat to require active cooling.

Daughter boards like the rog motherboard bundled sound cards are no better than bog standard run of the mill on board sound.

When you have had a decent sound card, the difference is noticeable. I couldn't have a gaming system without a dedicated sound card now. It's one of those 'try it and then you know what you're missing' scenarios that unfortunately requires an initial outlay to test.

Saying on board or daughter board sound is on par with dedicated sound is as far out as it can be. Even boards featuring 'xfi' etc as an added feature are usually a very old and incapable outdated chip that is older and significantly more pointless than a Realtek bog standard sound chip that are used on a wide range of boards

I am keen to try these new sound cards, they are a great alternative to the xonar cards. I want to see what they perform like also especially with the headphone amplification claims and lack of external power requirement

Sound cards do not produce enough heat to require active cooling.
neither does RAM...
Daughter boards like the rog motherboard bundled sound cards are no better than bog standard run of the mill on board sound.
Daughter boards?

When you have had a decent sound card, the difference is noticeable. I couldn't have a gaming system without a dedicated sound card now. It's one of those 'try it and then you know what you're missing' scenarios that unfortunately requires an initial outlay to test.

Saying on board or daughter board sound is on par with dedicated sound is as far out as it can be. Even boards featuring 'xfi' etc as an added feature are usually a very old and incapable outdated chip that is older and significantly more pointless than a Realtek bog standard sound chip that are used on a wide range of boards

I am keen to try these new sound cards, they are a great alternative to the xonar cards. I want to see what they perform like also especially with the headphone amplification claims and lack of external power requirement

What about the onboard sound with the X79 rampage 4 board?

Better/worse than a dedi sound card?

thanks :)
Ram is overclockable and can require active cooling. A sound card isn't.
A daughter board is like the supreme fx 'sound cards' that came with the old rog boards.
Fact of the matter is that these 'sound cards' were rarely if ever better than onboard.

Mate, read my post again and you would understand what I was talking about rather than being in such a mad rush to reply and bump your post count further.
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