Man i am absolutely loving this MOD. It feels like early old school dayz... Even has downed choppers with loads of goddies. They crash out of skies which is brilliant!
Last night spawned at balota, had a load of Z'd spawn, but managed to mow them down. heard gun fire in the distance so snuck out. On route to the trade saw a guy parked in a bush (doing what i dont know), quickly took him out, took his kit chucked in the already full car. While more Z'd were coming for me.... Quickly speed up to the wastedumb (sells everything in your car and empties any non sellable items)... Made 2k, kept hitting towns and collecting anything i could find. Whats great also is the zombies carry guns, backpacks, glasses, helmets ..... most items!
Head up north when i heard a noise, noticed a few guys looting the shop in Zelenogsk. Was late evening so was getting dark (Full day night cycle per server restart) Managed to take them out quietly. Stole their car, drove up the road while absoltuely bricking it... sold it and made loads. Thought i'd head over to the trader and stock up on supplies, saw a group of guys sitting in circle discussing the mod,great chat and realised that every item has its own place in a receip, simply double click the item and you can see what it can be crafted into... Nice guys had some real lols as one fo teh guys i think was a big youtuber.
This game is AMAZING! Considering its barely a week old, just wow!
Updates all the time. Next to come in are weapon and vehcile packs. Server is lag free, solid as a rock.
Also, my mate told me about this but not had one yet. A thermal scanner, shows 4 of the 5 codes last used on someones safe! So needless to say, base raid coming up soon
... Next step, build a secure base which can only be accessed by unlocking a garage door, which acts as a bridge into the room full of safes! BOOM! I do hope this eventually comes as a non donation based mod... because GOD DAMN!
We currently have zombies, missions and a lot more content on our Dev server.
It is also where we will be testing any new and exclusive content in the future.
Current Dev Server features:
•Zombies - based on RyanZombies, overhauled by Torndeco for Exile
•Missions - Bandit invasions, camps and more
•Custom Vehicle Skins - See HERE
•Custom Heli Crash Sites - Like old school DayZ, find the heli crash sites and get them epic lootz
•TRYK Clothing mod - Still integrating these into loot tables and traders
Features currently being worked on/tested:
•Vehicle packs
•Weapon packs