New Driving Laws being enforced in England

1 Nov 2004
Due to the nature of the quality of driving in England a new scheme has been devised in order to identify poor drivers.

From the middle of May 2006 those drivers who are seen:-

* overtaking in dangerous places;
* hovering within one inch of the car in front;
* stopping sharply;
* speeding in residential areas;
* pulling out without indication;
* performing U turns inappropriately in busy highstreets;
* undertaking on motorways and
* taking up more than one lane in multi lane roads.

-will be issued with flags, white with a red cross, signifying their inability to drive properly. These flags must be clipped to a door of the car and be visible to all other drivers and pedestrians.

Those drivers who have shown particularly poor driving skills will have to display a flag on each side of the car to indicate their greater lack of skill and general lower intelligence mindset to the general public.



that is all :p
How true! :p

Just today, some idiot in a bright blue (sky blue?) Ford Escort pulled out without a) looking and b) indicating. I had to stop suddenly just to avoid an incident.

The eejit didn't even acknowledge his mistake! Oh, and to make matters worse... he was sporting four!!!!! of those England flags.

Seriously, I **** you not! :eek:
I see nothing wrong with being proud of the country in which one lives. Why are the English people so against a bit of patriotism?

I was in the USA a week after 9/11 and I'd say 80% of cars had American flags flying from them. They're proud of themselves, why can't we be the same?

Feek said:
I see nothing wrong with being proud of the country in which one lives. Why are the English people so against a bit of patriotism?

I was in the USA a week after 9/11 and I'd say 80% of cars had American flags flying from them. They're proud of themselves, why can't we be the same?


Probably for the same reason that we don't like talking about how much we earn or shouting out that we're better than person X for whatever reason. It's just not very English ;)
Nix said:
Probably for the same reason that we don't like talking about how much we earn or shouting out that we're better than person X for whatever reason. It's just not very English ;)

Putting a flag on ones car doesnt indicate that you are suggesting England is better than anyone, only of our support and hope for our country in the World Cup.
Feek said:
I see nothing wrong with being proud of the country in which one lives. Why are the English people so against a bit of patriotism?

I was in the USA a week after 9/11 and I'd say 80% of cars had American flags flying from them. They're proud of themselves, why can't we be the same?

because most English people have nothing to be proud of?
i cant see why this is a problem

and some people even go as far to say "i hope england get knocked out the world cup"

who are these people.. are they pretending they arent english?... it always seems to be english people that say it too.. weird.

i think im just going to get one huge english flag and wave it about in everybodys face

well.. ill just put it up out my window really.

but come on!.. where is the support.. where is the sense of being proud about your flag.....

no wonder we are such a panzy state
The only time you would need one of these flags is if you actually take your car to Germany.

Its just an easy way for retailers to cash in selling cheap Chinese flags, so by displaying a flag your actualy saying you support the country that made them ;) .
Feek said:
I see nothing wrong with being proud of the country in which one lives. Why are the English people so against a bit of patriotism?

I was in the USA a week after 9/11 and I'd say 80% of cars had American flags flying from them. They're proud of themselves, why can't we be the same?


The yanks tend to stick with it through the whole year and they stick flags on there buildings and homes, we just do it for 1 day in April and when the World Cup/Euro Cup is on.

And you find its mostly people who dont have any interest in football during the normal football season.

I am proud to be English but why do I need to show it.

And they are getting labeled "Chav Flags"
Feek said:
I see nothing wrong with being proud of the country in which one lives. Why are the English people so against a bit of patriotism?

I was in the USA a week after 9/11 and I'd say 80% of cars had American flags flying from them. They're proud of themselves, why can't we be the same?

Because we're quietly confident....been there, done that, conqueured the world and now we're content to see all the other little people play their games :)
2004 called. They want their joke back :o

That said, I'm also not a fan of these people who think putting a flag (or two, or four) on their car is going to improve our chances of winning some football tournament. Don't get me wrong - I love patriotism and I think it would be great if everyone had a flag flying outside their home like you often see in the States - but what's the point in bringing out all the flags for the duration of the World Cup then putting them away again? :rolleyes:
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