New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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Appreciate all the effort that's gone in to this :cool:

I appreciate all of the effort from the users/moderators/admins, we will constantly be making changes over the next few days, suggestions are fantastic.

Thanks to everyone for your input, as reward you get a dank gif.


Dankness is possibly to fuel me. I live off of dankness.
I appreciate all of the effort from the users/moderators/admins, we will constantly be making changes over the next few days, suggestions are fantastic.

Thanks to everyone for your input, as reward you get a dank gif.


Dankness is possibly to fuel me. I live off of dankness.
Seen the list of bugs in the mod lounge? (see my sig). If you haven't it'll give you a starter for 10 ;)
my other look suggestion is lessen the white bars around the Capodecina, mobster etc, for me at least it stands out like a sore thumb, seems like the most highlighted part of the page and the eye is attracted to it, despite being like the least important bit.
Black borders are just horrible. The difference in background colour is enough of a separator already.

maybe my screen looks blank because of no Avatars/Sigs.
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