New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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I've noticed in some threads when I click the latest page number link it'll automatically jump to the last unread post and in others in won't until I click the go to first unread button.
I've noticed in some threads when I click the latest page number link it'll automatically jump to the last unread post and in others in won't until I click the go to first unread button.

Yeah I get that too, but in fairness that is the same on lots of the sites I look after, I'm sure there is a reason; somewhere :p
I see that the descriptions are back and the pop-up tool tips gone for the sub-forums, which is better IMO.

However, wouldn't the descriptions not be better off in a slightly smaller font?

Edit: While we're looking in the area, wouldn't the "Discussions:" & "Posts:" be better off in bold? Not the actual number of each, just the titles.
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maybe move the sense of humour slider up a bit too?
I think the moderation on this forum is perfect actually, it's a good mix between harsh and forgiving. The MM moderation is quite harsh but I think on the whole that's a good thing to maintain its integrity.

There are other forums out there which feel like dictatorships and made me scared to post :(
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