New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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Yay, I'm in! I REALLY must leave it alone now though, things to do!

If you are anything like me, that's not going to happen.

Just one more tweak. Then I'll get back to my real work... ok maybe I'll just tweak that too. Oh and maybe that too. (2 hours later) OK NOW I'M DONE! oh wait.. that needs a color change.

Good work on the dark theme though.
The design theme is awful? For it to be awful then the previous forum design would also be awful because to my eyes changes are minimal in look/theme.
I'm really not sure how you can say that, it's very different. A very politician style comment if ever I saw one.

The main site has had updates since launch from comments from members, but for such an awful main website, business for us is up year on year, if the main site was as awful as some made out our business would have collapsed where in fact the reverse happened and business levels improved. Though we did acknowledge feedback and made changes we thought were positive. :)
The new website is still awful. That the business is doing well is more due to customer loyalty and your competitive prices than the website. It's no longer the place I go to first when looking for things though, because of the website redesign.

The website, and the forums, are now harder to read. That is one definition of bad design.

I am sure the admins, moderators will and are listening to feedback and necessary updates will be made, but its not awful, its a change. :)
People will continue to use the site, of course they will. That doesn't mean you shouldn't care about interface design. So many places these days consider UX as an afterthought, and it shows.

There are very definitely some positives to these new forums. But it looks like absolutely zero thought has been given to design. work in progress, having a break now but I'll get back on it later.
Excellent work. Just a note - the 'save' buttons are missing from the Edit post & multi-quote popup with your style installed for me.
not sure on the need for the social media icons but other than that there is some nice added functionality.
Hovered mouse over and saw they didn't link to f*ace*ook ( so assumed they were something else/dodgy. 3rd party site linking back to fb? No thanks...
but this guy has moaned, then moaned, moaned some more, and carried on moaning.
He moaned for 3 threads, hardly worth calling him out for it, you've got more important things to do with your time. Leave it to the mods!
oddly, the date posted li is not contained with the comment box, as a result any box shadow would be broke :p

(because we need more drop shadow right ;))

Did you see my screenshot?
Whatever this default blue theme is it's awful. Very square and blocky 1995 style, making it difficult to actually follow and read the content. :(

There seems to be a weird mixture of serif and sans serif fonts all over the place too.
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