New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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Eeeek to many boxes with nasty white lines.

Has anyone started a petition yet to get parliament to to revert the change ?
Yes they are looking into it. It's annoying me too.
Ah - there is a thing wherby if you change your preferences to "automatically watch threads you reply to" there is then a little set of glasses on the right hand side of the list of threads. Only works with new posts on threads though. Better than nothing
Not opposed to change, but I must say the new design looks a bit clunky, like certain buttons/elements are too big. That's my first impression anyway.
Could do with colouring the segments of the logo Blue and Red, like in the main one at the top, at the side of all the forums, as looks a bit too Blue and White, bland. :p
You can turn off Avatars and Sigs together but not individually.

Yeah, we've lost the ability to just turn the picture off for ourselves. I have turned off sigs and avatars now to save screen space. My only "issue" so far as I learn the ways around. Style is subjective. I don't really like it, but am sure some people will add some of their own styles soon...

edit: Will give it a go first though, and I see changes are already on the agenda!
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