New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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Is there any way to have the avatar and member info on the left hand side? On mobile it's above and it makes it look a bit cluttered. There's actually less space than before. Overall though it's a nice improvement.
Some of the old quoted text is a mess - example

Threads where I posted are no longer marked for me (used to be envelope with a dot)

Main page with all the sections - that's just mess - tiny little [latest:] square to the right and about four feet of empty space between section title and that. It needs to be dynamic and resize.

Clicking on "Use BB Code editor" the editor has different layout (jumps full length under the user icon), colour (yellow) and button layout to the smart editor
My mind is blown, I thought the website loaded incorrectly at first! Like all changes people will hate it at first because it's different, the get used to it.

My only 'issue' is that I wish there was a 'compact' mode, for me it takes too long to scroll down the first page.

Edit- What happens when I press edit!
Another thing. Heaven forbid someone should actually write enough to fill the width of the post, but if they do, and the post is new (to me), and it's on the top line, then the new marker (I presume to show it's a new post), obscures the post text behind it. I purposely set out this reply to attempt to show this.

I do like the ability to view new posts in a thread before posting yours. Might help somewhat with keeping quick moving threads flowing better.
I can see the video of the car, yup, but does this mean all the existing YouTube links are broken?
For now, potentially; The new forum appears to use a different tag for youtube videos, which is why we're seeing this error. It might be able to be amended - I'll ask :)
Another thing. Heaven forbid someone should actually write enough to fill the width of the post, but if they do, and the post is new (to me), and it's on the top line, then the new marker (I presume to show it's a new post), obscures the post text behind it. I purposely set out this reply to attempt to show this.

I do like the ability to view new posts in a thread before posting yours. Might help somewhat with keeping quick moving threads flowing better.

Already noted, and thanks :)
I've got sig's and avatars turned off... but have avatars showing up.

I'd rather have it the other way round, no avatars and show sigs.
Weird, unless its changed, the two should be combined - what's your user settings set too? Click you name top right and preferences.
Is there any way to have the avatar and member info on the left hand side? On mobile it's above and it makes it look a bit cluttered. There's actually less space than before. Overall though it's a nice improvement.

Yeah I've checked it out, I think the solution is to shrink it on mobilephones, desktop and tablet is fine though.
Like everyone else I'm scared, but change is often good and as much as I loved the old site it was looking a bit dated.

Guys give it time, it's just gone live and OCuk look after us well in return for our custom... Any teething problems, will I'm sure be ironed out in due course.
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