New FTB Modded Minecraft server Beyond

Just a bump, and to say server restarts have been pushed back to 6 hours - 00:00 06:00 12:00 and 18:00 respectively. Server has been up for 7 hours today after I cleared up the Forestry debacle, and I was hammering an RFTools builder for some of that!!

Just an fyi /cofh tps is a command you can all use to check for dropped ticks. Catch me either here or on Discord if there are issues.

I'm thinking about offering a bounty on Forestry blocks - specifically factory type blocks that have randomly spawned themselves in, but I'd want screenies before y'all start spamming them in and chopping then out!!
Hey Ham,

I can't seem to connect to the server I get Timed Out when trying to login? also tells me I'm on the server at the server screen, lol.

Hiya - I've resheduled the restarts to a shorter timescale as there is a small memory leak that can cause time-outs, so this issue should now be resolved! Sorry I missed this yesterday!
Been playing Infinity Evolved on a server and with out any warning, they decided to do a wipe...
I'm feeling so defeated right now, think it's time for another game. :(
That's always a not fun thing to happen :/
No plans to wipe this server anytime soon!!
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