new game ideas

Assume you've got Banished and Cities: Skylines already?

a few ideas from my steam wishlist (no idea if they are good or not)

Sunless Sea
Red Solstice
Endless Legend
Savage Lands
The Golf Club
Transocean:Shipping Company
Big Pharma
PA: Titans
Stranded Deep
Farming Sim 15
Life is Strange
think i might go get rimworld lol

It's a good game, but early access but at least it's updated regularly, new alpha roughly every two month.
Mods make it better. As some basic stuff is missing.

Actually didn't like banished or skyline. Wish steam had refunds when I got half the games on my list.
Annoying there doesn't seem to be an easy way to copy and paste games list to here.
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hmm just seen price of rim world, and also that if you buy it now you arent garanteed a steam key when its released ons team so might wait fior now
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Wahoo xcom and long war finally downloaded.

Gone for normal bronze mode. Which is no saves but can restart tactical mission. But also added randomize so won't get the same mission if I restart.


Will I get a Steam key?

– It depends when you bought the game. If you bought the game on or before November 4, 2014 you will get a key when the game is released on Steam. If you bought the game after that, we will try to get you a Steam key but Valve’s policies prevent us from being able to guarantee this.

only if you bought last year is it sure

oh and it looks like hes gonna be abandoning it for 6 motnhs

For that reason – and just because I believe in having a life that isn’t all work – I’m taking some time off from full-time RimWorld development starting in September. Currently it’s looking like it’ll be about six months. I’ll still be around to interact, but I won’t be developing constantly like I have been.
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It's a good game, but early access but at least it's updated regularly, new alpha roughly every two month.
Mods make it better. As some basic stuff is missing.

Actually didn't like banished or skyline. Wish steam had refunds when I got half the games on my list.
Annoying there doesn't seem to be an easy way to copy and paste games list to here.

what mods would you say are esential?
Edb interface.
And one of the tech mods, which allow you to build bionics and all the weapons. Like superior crafting (hasn't been updated to latest release yet), glitter tech or many others.

Crash landing and zombie are fun mods, but I wouldn't start with them.
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