New Gaming PC planned for April - Advice welcomed

if I go the manual route, is it just a case of setting it to 6000mhz and then changing the timings from the current 40 40 40 77 to 30 40 40 96 ?
Seems to be all sorted after speaking to Ash at Overclockers, was just a case of loading the bios profile which I think we both expected to be loaded at launch but wasn't. So simple when you look at it now lol think clearing the CMOS took it all back to so I was able to load the profile that was originally installed. Thanks to everyone who spent the time to try and help me and give me ideas, from the builds inception to Ramgate, genuinely can't thank you all enough. I can leave you all in peace now and play some games. I'll be back in 5 yrs to ask about updating it lol
OCUK built it, they set a profile on the bios, they expected their settings to be running off the bat as they set every PC up before sending it out. For some reason I don't think it was loaded when I got it (possibly on default board bios settings). Ram said it was running at 4800mhz. Tried turning expo on and that's when things didn't run properly, booting to safe mode etc, pc would boot when on the default settings so I kept it at that while I tried all the options above. After email exchange they said to load the profile and here we are, all working.
Wonder why they never updated bios before sending it to you. Think when you updated it yourself, you would have lost the profile.

Good to hear you got it sorted now though.
That's what I thought. I did wonder that clearing the cmos, may have reverted it to the original profile save that it shipped with.
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