New Graphic Ciggeret box designs. (Wanring: might grose some people out)

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VaderDSL said:
But if I smoke 1 cigarette very occasionally, my teeth will not fall out nor am I likely to suddenly develop large cists on my gums and lips :D

However if I take a car out tomorrow I am very capable of killing someone straight up, even if I am careful :)

I believe you can smoke carefully :) and do not believe that plastering pictures of extreme medical conditions will actually do anything useful.

I understand what you're saying. :) However smoking 1 cigarette a day still has the same overall effect as smoking 20 a day; it still IS damaging you (not to mention others). However, (real) accidents aside, if you drive carefully, then no harm comes to anyone. And if anyone were to be so pedantic (not you :p ), not even exhaust emissions have been proven to have any significant detrimental health risks.

Despite what I'm saying, I'm not anti-smoking at all, in the sense that anyone can smoke if they choose to, as long as it is in consideration of those that don't smoke, and as long as they are aware of the likely health hazards.
Denis Leary said:
There's a guy- I don't know if you've heard about this guy, he's been on the news a lot lately.

There's a guy- he's English, I don't think we should hold that against him, but apparently this is just his life's dream because he is going from country to country.

He has a senate hearing in this country coming up in a couple of weeks.

And this is what he wants to do.

He wants to make the warnings on the packs bigger.

Yeah! He wants the whole front of the pack to be the warning.

Like the problem is we just haven't noticed yet. Right?

Like he's going to get his way and all of the sudden smokers around the world are going to be going,

"Yeah, Bill, I've got some cigarettes.. HOLY ****! These things are bad for you! ****, I thought they were good for you! I thought they had Vitamin C in them and stuff!"

You ******* dolt!

Doesn't matter how big the warnings are.

You could have cigarettes that were called 'the warnings'.

You could have cigarettes that come in a black pack, with a skull and a cross bone on the front, called tumors and smokers would be lined up around the block going,

"I can't wait to get my hands on these ******* things! I bet you get a tumor as soon as you light up! Numm Numm Numm Numm Numm"

Doesn't matter how big the warnings are or how much they cost.

Keep raising the prices, we'll break into your houses to get the ******* cigarettes, ok!? They're a drug, we're addicted, ok!? Numm Numm Numm Numm Numm


Doohickey said:
I understand what you're saying. :) However smoking 1 cigarette a day still has the same overall effect as smoking 20 a day; it still IS damaging you (not to mention others). However, (real) accidents aside, if you drive carefully, then no harm comes to anyone. And if anyone were to be so pedantic (not you :p ), not even exhaust emissions have been proven to have any significant detrimental health risks.

Despite what I'm saying, I'm not anti-smoking at all, in the sense that anyone can smoke if they choose to, as long as it is in consideration of those that don't smoke, and as long as they are aware of the likely health hazards.

I don't understand. If I smoke 60 a day it is as bad as one a day? What a load of twaddle. Maybe cancer-wise, I don't know, but most of these disgusting images are not of cancer.

Some people are very squeemish and will feel nauseous every time they see a cig packet. I used to have a mate who would faint at the sight of blood/guts on tv, what if she catches sight of one of these images, in the pub say?
Daedalus said:
I don't understand. If I smoke 60 a day it is as bad as one a day? What a load of twaddle. Maybe cancer-wise, I don't know, but most of these disgusting images are not of cancer.

Some people are very squeemish and will feel nauseous every time they see a cig packet. I used to have a mate who would faint at the sight of blood/guts on tv, what if she catches sight of one of these images, in the pub say?

I think thats they point.
They are there to be used as a deterant :)
Daedalus said:
I don't understand. If I smoke 60 a day it is as bad as one a day? What a load of twaddle. Maybe cancer-wise, I don't know, but most of these disgusting images are not of cancer.

Some people are very squeemish and will feel nauseous every time they see a cig packet. I used to have a mate who would faint at the sight of blood/guts on tv, what if she catches sight of one of these images, in the pub say?

Yes, I was talking mainly cancer-wise. Obviously smoking 60 a day is going to yellow your teeth a lot faster than smoking 1 a day, I wasn't making that point. It also depends on how long you've been smoking, but I didn't really refer to that since the problem is smoking addiction, so everything becomes long term, and in the long term, there really is not much difference how much you smoke, just whether you do or don't.
Same goes for smoking 'low-tar' cigarettes. You won't realise it, but you'll be taking bigger puffs to get what you need out of the cigarette, hence you may as well be smoking normal ones. The only difference for smokers is if you smoke unfiltered cigarettes, you have a slightly higher risk of lung cancer.
Doohickey said:
Same goes for smoking 'low-tar' cigarettes. You won't realise it, but you'll be taking bigger puffs to get what you need out of the cigarette, hence you may as well be smoking normal ones. The only difference for smokers is if you smoke unfiltered cigarettes, you have a slightly higher risk of lung cancer.

Aye adenocarcinoma's have a higher incidence in those that smoke low tar ciggies.
I'm all for it. It's an extra little help for someone trying to give up smoking if they have to see something like that every time they want a cigarette, and it's a big discouragement - among certain types of people, at least - to start smoking. I don't accept the "my choice" idea, I think government and so on have the right and the responsibility to try and stop people from smoking.
If I still smoked and had to put up with some do gooder's idea of a cigarette packet as a deterrent, I'd simply remove all the fags from the box and store them in something else. It certainly wouldn't have put me off smoking and I sincerely doubt it'll discourage anyone else.
manor said:
Thanks for posting these Zip. :)

Since I stopped smoking 5 weeks ago, I still need reminders of what smoking actually is. These pictures will definitely be helping me.

No problem:)
Try looking around the website that i posted in the links.
They have screan saver aswell but im not sure what its got on it :)
I don't think these will have much if any noticable effect, but it can't doi any harm, so it worth a try

Doohickey said:
Medically speaking it actually does not matter if you smoke one cigarette each day or 20 a day. There is no 'careful' in smoking. If you smoke at all, you may as well smoke a packet a day, full strength cigarettes (if that is to your taste of course).
Not according to what I have read, i.e. that doubling your pack-year intake effectively doubles your risk over the age of 50. Also increased pack-year smoking increases your risk of numerous other cancers (mouth, larynx, oesophagus, breast, colorectal, etc).
j00ni said:
I don't think these will have much if any noticable effect, but it can't doi any harm, so it worth a try

Not according to what I have read, i.e. that doubling your pack-year intake effectively doubles your risk over the age of 50. Also increased pack-year smoking increases your risk of numerous other cancers (mouth, larynx, oesophagus, breast, colorectal, etc).

I think I've read that too, and it is what I would have thought. However I had it on good information from an SpR in oncology that the pack-year evaluation is not actually as significant as previously thought.
Doohickey said:
I think I've read that too, and it is what I would have thought. However I had it on good information from an SpR in oncology that the pack-year evaluation is not actually as significant as previously thought.
Fair enough, I suppose that's possibly based on their experience as much as anything though. :confused:
Well they grossed me out!

I dont smoke, apart from the possible one a fortnight effort.

I dont think its gone too far at all. Remember these are for the smokers own good imho. No one in their right mind wants to look like that/have those illnesses. Perhaps this will persuade those that really want to quite to finally kick it for good. We shall see.

I don't think these images are going to stop current smokers from smoking, but it might stop people from taking up smoking, especially kids who don't know any better.
shall we start the "smokers fund the nhs" debate?

(cos it's true)

but then, if there were no smokers the nhs would have less to do.

but.... people would live longer, need more support to live in later life, and then we'd have even more of a pensions crisis....

too much for me.... im off for a coffee, a fry-up, and a fag, and maybe i'll go suck the exhaust of one of the "clean" local buses eh?

asda's are giving away free ash tray pouches in camo.

i dont smoke, but i want a camo pouch for free :D
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