New Graphic Ciggeret box designs. (Wanring: might grose some people out)

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Heres my opinion on this, i smoke fair enough and ive seen these sort of packages in Canada where they have some nasty pics of people who have these conditions etc.

Question is does it bother me???...umm nope not really...i open the box..pull a cig out and light it simple as that. Far as im concerned its a stupid and vicious way of trying to get someone to quit by showing some pretty disgusting pics of smokers and their bodies..not once have i felt the need to quit because of these pics, saying that tho i do want to quit and i have cut down quite a bit on my cig intake so im getting slowly but surely. But i dont think these pics are a good idea on the cig boxes tbh, thats my opinion on them...others will think otherwise i suppose.
Second hand smoke ******* ****** me off.

If some black-lung'd son of a selfish ***** wants to smoke in my face I should be legally allowed to stab him in the stomach, or lung, or something.


*takes a deep breath*

Sorry about that.
This could show why these boxes are going in place :)

Read the stats on this box :eek:
Anybody seen the tv ads of the young girl being interviewed in her bedroom, shes talking about her mother who has just been diagnosed with cancer.

Any parent who smokes is a disgrace, not only are they forcing there children to breath in smoke, they are more likely to smoke themselves and possibly shortening there life and taking years of there life.
ALLI said:
shall we start the "smokers fund the nhs" debate?

(cos it's true)

but then, if there were no smokers the nhs would have less to do.

But the tax smokers pay that get's pumped into the NHS pay's for far more than just smoking related illnesses
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