As much to do with money as it has with piracy (in the form of comprimised license batches), the latter just makes for a better arguement
We must surely all have encountered someone that thought they were clever picking up that OS for a bargain 20 quid just to find a few months later their license was pulled![]()
I don't actually buy they were illegally bought in that instance. Ubisoft aren't the most reliable.
Typical corporation that uses Luxembourg for its own accountancy advantage, but won't allow the end user to shop around.
This is a really good point. What happend to the free market? If I cant find something in the UK at a decent price I usually end up buying it from China
Typical corporation that uses Luxembourg for its own accountancy advantage, but won't allow the end user to shop around.
Typical corporation that uses Luxembourg for its own accountancy advantage, but won't allow the end user to shop around.
huh? Different kind of thing altogether surely. By that rational if I buy a UK DVD/BD in the UK and move to,let's say the U.S. and bring said DVD/BD with me I wont be able to watch it......I don't think so.
well unless you took your uk dvd player with you no you wouldn't.
When you buy games on cdkey websites a lot of them Gift you the key/game via steam rather than giving you a key to actually activate yourself.
I have no idea where they are stolen from, A hijacked shipment of games bound for a superstore perhaps? Ubisoft went on a mad once recently and deactivated thousands of copies of FC4 that were bought from cdkey sites because they said the keys were stolen or acquired illegally before being sold on.
This ^^^^
Although I think most players are now region free.
This ^^^^
Although I think most players are now region free.
I remember my dvd drive in my PC telling me I could change the region 3 more times before it was lockedUsed to buy a lot of R1 westerns back in the day.