New, Harsher Steam Region Locking Discovered

What they want is for people to grow up and see £40-60 as a normal price for games and pay it without question.

Which in itself is sad as we regularly see games in that price region flop, even when the game is a hit unless DLC is involved developers will seldom continue to support the product beyond post release patching
Everyone feels like they're owed!! It's so frustrating.

Games cost what they cost. Yes the developers and publishers make plenty off of them, but that's a direct consequence of the work they do.
If nobody is willing to pay, companies will fold and there will be no more games.


'Poorer' regions simply cannot pay 30 gbp for a game. If the publishers wish to sell in those regions they have to lower the price.
If everyone from 'richer' regions buys at the lowest global price, then again nobody makes much money and again, no new games.

I read something the other day (on here, but can't remember where) where some idiot said something like 'I'll only buy it if it gets five star reviews and is heavily discounted'.
What a crappy attitude!
If it gets great reviews, (whatever it was?!) that developer should be supported. Buy the game at release, reward the developer for creating something you enjoy and they'll be in a position to go on to create more games you enjoy.
This is what happens when people buy into Valve marketing that Steam is the savoir of PC gaming and should be given reverence. It's been amply clear for a long time that Valve wants to treat PC gaming as a "valve console" ecosystem but some people won't hear a word said against the beloved Gabe. :(

A huge part of the reason Gabe had a hissy fit at Windows 8 was he thought the MS Store was going to give game publishers another universal route to sell digital gaming. Since that didn't pan out he's gone awful quite on the subject. They'd still quite like to tie people into Valve approved Linux so they truly have turned your PC into a Steam console but Windows is no longer "the debil".

On the other hand if you upset someone on Steam or Valve decide you've done something they don't approve of and your access to your entire library, potentially thousands of pounds worth of games, gets switched off at a whim. Generally speaking I'm anti "piracy" or "copyright infringement", I genuinely believe that if you like something enough to use, watch or listen to it you should pay the people who made it in exchange but even I think Valve goes too far sometimes for a supposedly "open" platform like the PC.

Steam has some of the most draconian DRM of any PC software and yet for some reason because of hats and a great game 10 years people seem to think Valve are the good guys... Go figure...

I love Steam for it's convenience of digital delivery and acting as a vault for my games, but people really should recognize that it's all about the money and control of PC gaming for Valve, not lovely bunny fluffy saving of PC gaming for enthusiasts against the evil consoles.
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It's the iTunes of PC games.

It's very convenient, very reliable and with the very regular sales there are plenty of bargains to be had.

These days I only only buy music on iTunes, because it's easy and all in one convenient package.
I also 'almost' only buy games on Steam, and if I'm buying elsewhere then 'activates on Steam' is a selling point.
well unless you took your uk dvd player with you no you wouldn't.

That was his point.

If you bought games in the UK and moved to another country and took your PC you wouldn't be able to play your games just because Steam says so.

Chris [BEANS];27774609 said:
Everyone feels like they're owed!! It's so frustrating.

Games cost what they cost. Yes the developers and publishers make plenty off of them, but that's a direct consequence of the work they do.
If nobody is willing to pay, companies will fold and there will be no more games.


'Poorer' regions simply cannot pay 30 gbp for a game. If the publishers wish to sell in those regions they have to lower the price.
If everyone from 'richer' regions buys at the lowest global price, then again nobody makes much money and again, no new games.

I read something the other day (on here, but can't remember where) where some idiot said something like 'I'll only buy it if it gets five star reviews and is heavily discounted'.
What a crappy attitude!
If it gets great reviews, (whatever it was?!) that developer should be supported. Buy the game at release, reward the developer for creating something you enjoy and they'll be in a position to go on to create more games you enjoy.

No one feels like they are owed, they are just tired of being shafted by these massive corporations that avoid taxes.

Region locking, DRM, DLC, high prices, it's ridiculous.

You are supporting the developer by buying the game, no matter what price it's at. If they can't afford to drop the price then they should stop spending tens of millions on a game, it's not necessary.
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'Poorer' regions simply cannot pay 30 gbp for a game. If the publishers wish to sell in those regions they have to lower the price.
If everyone from 'richer' regions buys at the lowest global price, then again nobody makes much money and again, no new games.
Utter bull shot !

They wouldn't sell it for a loss we are not subsidising anything and let's not forget it's not the poor little dev studios that do this it's the massive global billion dollar corporations like ubisoft 1.82biillion and EA 17.14billion gouging whatever they can where they can to satisfy their blood hungry share holders.

really my hearty bleeds for a company with a market cap of 17.14b :rolleyes:

ofcourse these companies have to charge such high prices in western countries how else would they ever have a company worth multiple billions, support the poor struggling publishers and developers they clearly need the money.

rockstar are probably valued at a good few billion as well if they ever launched an ipo we should pay doluble for GTA games if not triple because they spent about 600 million on advertising every release and it's not fair they pick up the tab is it?

biggest dissapoint is valve turning from a company for gamers ran by gamers into a money gouging bunch of lying scum bags.

all hail valve remember when they said online only would be cheaper than stores because they cut out all the BS that comes with releasing a game in brick and mortar and those savings would be passed on hahahaha gaben is laughing all the way to kfc
HL3 should be a £100 title since gaben only had 1.5 billion 3 years ago he's so poor he can't even release a new game everyone wants for about 10 years maybe someone should send him a twitter link to kickstarter
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This is what worries me with steam, they have complete control over the platform and we just have to lump it. I do fear that their dominance in the market will ultimately be a bad thing for us...actually, getting cheap codes on key websites seems to be the only way to get cheap games on steam anymore.
Valve are a **** anti consumer company no different to EA/Ubisoft, the veil is just slipping at this point. Next few years will be fun when all of the fanboys have mental implosions as it's proven more and more.
That was his point.

If you bought games in the UK and moved to another country and took your PC you wouldn't be able to play your games just because Steam says so.

no he was saying if he bought a DVD here he would still be able to use it in America as an example of how bad this new decision is. but unless he too kma uk region locked player he wouldn't be able to play them, which is similar to using a vpn to trick steam.

also have none of you really read this unless you're regularly buying games in china Russia or Brazil or other developing nations its not going to affect you.

Your UK purchased games will work in any country, your games you bought here will work in Brazil or china or America or anywhere.

theyre only limiting games bought in these developing counties for a significantly lowerprice.
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