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New I7-6700k build falling over

Haha. In all seriousness though 3-4 working days is OK, if a little short, I'd extend it to a working week to make sure everything is A OK. That's just speaking from past experience.

Also pretty sure AsRock is built or owned by Asus, maybe try MSI or Gigabyte.

Never hurts to leave it longer before stressing it out I guess, give the parts a chance to run on lower voltages longer before flooding the circuits with something like Prime95. Depends how dedicated you are I suppose.
I ran all voltages on standard, tried no overclocking of any sort and it still was not stable so sure its a hardware fault somewhere. I just hope OCUK can get it all tested and sorted out for me quickly. Does anyone know if they offer alternative parts if something is out of stock? Only asking as the Asrock board is currently out of stock on the website and stock levels were low for some times
Sounds like the CPU at fault, Skylake's seem to have higher fault rate than other gen's. All sorts of issues from random lock ups, crashes to failed stock clocks.

Hopefully OCUK sort you out quickly.
Could this simply mean for some thermal pasts to have time to set as I know some work better once they've had a chance to get warm and settle in? Never known computer hardware to need time to settle, it usually either works straight away or it doesn't

But if they have been on the shelf all alone for a while they will need time to get to know there new friends :+D

Normally a few days for TIM but unless your ocd about temps you probably wouldn't even notice the difference.
But if they have been on the shelf all alone for a while they will need time to get to know there new friends :+D

Normally a few days for TIM but unless your ocd about temps you probably wouldn't even notice the difference.

It doesn't bother me, I didn't think I would have any thermal issues with the cooler I bought to go with it. I was just trying to find some justification to some mentions of letting the system bed in. It was the only thing I could think of. Electrical goods generally just work fine right from the moment they are switched on or they don't, regardless of any bedding in period
I did notice that when I removed the parts to send them back, the CPU socket on the motherboard almost looked like a pin or 2 were slightly out of place
hope that ain't the case or you could be out a bit of money. did you check all was ok with the socket before fitting the cpu? you could have a job on your hands convincing OcUK it wasn't you bent the pins (assuming they are bent)

fingers crossed for you
hope that ain't the case or you could be out a bit of money. did you check all was ok with the socket before fitting the cpu? you could have a job on your hands convincing OcUK it wasn't you bent the pins (assuming they are bent)

fingers crossed for you

To be honest I didn't pay much attention when setting up as I'm always so careful when building a system. The pins could be ok, it may just have been my eyes (hoping anyway) but it is hard to tell, always much easier when the pins were on the CPU (I had to straighten so many when customers had bent them). I can guarantee it wasn't me that did any damage, if there is any. I would happily go and build a load of systems for them to prove how careful I am and out of the many hundreds of systems I built previously I never had a single one fail down to anything I did or any negligence.

I have to admit that I wish I had checked it all over first as there is absolutely no way I would have assembled the system if I had noticed any anomolies with the socket. I really hope it is just my eyes as this was my last treat to myself for soemtime as my finances are coming crashing down around me right now at an alarming rate :(
Prime95 wouldnt add a warning if it wasnt advised.


Surely that means when you've turned it on, don't just smash it on before all your services have started etc.

Only time I've properly experienced instability from any sort of system config was when Haswell launched and I had a 4670K and that "excellent" Gigabyte OC'ing board. When the bus speed was 99.X or whatever it was it'd eventually be unstable and BSOD. If it was 100 it'd be fine, and that just depending on how I messed with the BIOS to make it so.
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To be honest I didn't pay much attention when setting up as I'm always so careful when building a system. The pins could be ok, it may just have been my eyes (hoping anyway) but it is hard to tell, always much easier when the pins were on the CPU (I had to straighten so many when customers had bent them). I can guarantee it wasn't me that did any damage, if there is any. I would happily go and build a load of systems for them to prove how careful I am and out of the many hundreds of systems I built previously I never had a single one fail down to anything I did or any negligence.

I have to admit that I wish I had checked it all over first as there is absolutely no way I would have assembled the system if I had noticed any anomolies with the socket. I really hope it is just my eyes as this was my last treat to myself for soemtime as my finances are coming crashing down around me right now at an alarming rate :(

Hopefully it was just your eyes playing tricks on you and you get sorted. Perhaps not the best idea to shell out on new parts if your finances are not in good nick, but that's your call. Hoping all turns out ok.
The only difference will be the TIM takes a few hours to acheive maximum performance. How the hell that is going to make any difference whatsoever to a nasty sound is beyond me. Stop arguing semantics, he gave stupid and potentially disastrous advice and anyone that says different is deluded or contrary.
First build I've used an Asrock extreme 4 z170 and I'm impressed.

Ocuk should sort you out :)

I hope so, I think I'm one of the most unlucky people around (even my own mum tells me that on a regular basis).

I've always liked the level of specification you get with an Asrock board and the reviews of them are always very good, hence why I've chosen them for my last 2 builds but I've had trouble with both (not my doing by the way).

I really hope OCUK can sort this and get me replacement parts sorted. I was hoping to sell my old parts to raise some cash but have had to build them back into my PC for now
The only difference will be the TIM takes a few hours to acheive maximum performance. How the hell that is going to make any difference whatsoever to a nasty sound is beyond me. Stop arguing semantics, he gave stupid and potentially disastrous advice and anyone that says different is deluded or contrary.

Well said. I think these applications that advise a 'bedding in' period need changing as it is quite misleading, nothing electronic needs to be bed in, they either work or they don't out of the box
None of the applications advise a bedding in period, the images are photoshoped, I think a few of us were mocking what HoneyBadger said in the 3rd post on this thread regarding letting your system "bed in" :P
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