New Lenses

The 5D is a great camera, it's a solid investment, the noise control is fantastic, it's a quality item. Build up to buying some quality glass to go with it and you're laughing. The 70-200 range is quite usable on FF, 50mm even more so. The 24-105 Lens might be the only one you'll ever need if you don't take shots of things far away.

Out of the two you listed I'd get the Canon 50mm Mk2 - it'll show off the capability of the body.
Don't mean to hyjack the thread but this is a similar question.

We have a minolta dynax 7d

and the only lens we have is a sigma 70 - 210

This one (whihc was pretty cheap from the popular auction site) and is great to learn on I guess, but we want something better.

We only really photgraph pottery, and need something that will focus on backstamps etc (this lens does have a macro mode but from experimenting today, it seems i need to be abotu 5 foot away)

I was considering the sigma 17 - 70 which i belive does have a macro mode, there are loads on Eyouknowwhat but none with the minolta fitting.

any suggestions, I would say our budget is somewhere arounf £200 ish

Just ressurecting this thread,

I now have a 50mm F1.8 MKII :cool:

only taken a few shots with it and think it's not a bad lens at all.

This month I can afford to get either another lens (looking at the 17-40 L)
or a few accessories (namely a bettery grip, extra battery and external Flash)

The 17-40 seems to be quite highly rated around here, however one thing that does spring to mind is the crop factor.....

I think most of you using it would have a 1.6 crop (feel free to correct me) which would mean the focal length would actually be: 27.2-64

Going from that the closest L equivalents I could find are either;

1) 24-70 f2.8 L USM
2) 24-105 f4 L IS USM

Which would you recommend? (the 24-70 is £70 more but at the price they are it's a little irrelavent) or would I be better off with the battery grip / flash?
(How often do you guys use flash, I don't like the flash I've used on compact cameras as it was far too bright, and are they a worthwhile investment (as I don't have one at all at the moment)? )
That's a bit of a tough one as it revolves around what you want to shoot and how the camera feels to you.

I've not used the 24-105L but I use the 24-70L on a 1DMkII (1.3x crop) and I can't speak more highly of it; the colour rendition and sharpness are outstanding, the only issue is the weight, at a kilo or so it can get a bit tiring to carry at times.

I would cetianly be looking at the battery grip, I had one on my D60 and I felt that it made the camera much more comfortable to use, without it I always found that I could only get three fingers onto the camera. The portrait buttons make a huge difference too, so much easier than having your elbow up in the air (see sig). If you go for the grip get the E-1 handstrap too, gives you a sense of security when carrying the camera without the neckstrap on. Talking of which if you use a neckstrap a lot take a look at getting an Optech one, especially if you've got a heavy lens, they're partially elasticated to smooth out bouncing and a lot more comfortable than the Canon OEM part.

A flash is pretty much essential for indoor stuff, sure high ISO noise isn't as much of a problem these days but it still limits shutter speeds etc. Flashes like the 420EX & 580EX let you tilt the head to bounce the light off a ceiling which removes the problem of red eye and harsh shadows you tend to get with direct flash illumination.
I have the 5d but as it is FF getting the best results from it demands the best glass...which isnt cheap.

I have the 17-40L, 24-70L, 70-200L IS plus the 580ex and a 420ex, and out of the lot the most fun (and usually the best shots) comes from using the 17-40. its a great lens on the 5D. The 24-70 is a beautiful lens and quality is spot on....its built like a brick s##t house but it has a price to match.

as SDK says the 24-105 is another contender. as the 5d is FF that lens would be perfect for 95% of situations, the only exeptions really being super wide, macro and motorsports etc. it depends on what you will be shooting I guess.

Its all great gear, but its not cheap :)
rpstewart said:
Talking of which if you use a neckstrap a lot take a look at getting an Optech one, especially if you've got a heavy lens, they're partially elasticated to smooth out bouncing and a lot more comfortable than the Canon OEM part.

sorry to thread hijack Wyvern, just wondering which model of Optech strap you have rp, as I'm looking for a new one.
Battery Grip and Handstrap are the best bits i've bought.

I hate neckstraps personally, but love the handstrap :D

If I had a Canon 5D, I wouldn't get a lens unless it had a L on it (Canon 50F1.8 is good enough though.). I'd build up the lens collection slowly.
Well after having gone to the Renault World Series I have to say I definately was not happy with the Tamron 28-300 at the long end (In general comewhat may the pictures aren't anywhere near as sharp as the others I've seen here)

So I got this: Canon 300mm F4L IS :cool:

I would have loved to get the 2.8, I was talking to a Photographer for the Evening Post who had the 2.8 with him, it isn't discrete to say the least (That and it costs more than 3 times as much).

I think over then next 6 months my Shopping list will be;

Canon 580EX (Flash)
24-70 F2.8L
70-200 F4L (The F4 costs around 1/2 the price which allows for other bits and I can get the F 2.8 later if I really need to)

Will try and get a couple of pics later (Weather permitting)
Looks like a good choice in your shopping list.
The only question I'd ask would be about whether to go for the 300mm or 400mm prime. Have to admit, I'm favouring the 400mm for my own upgrade at the moment, as I can get close to the focal range of the 300 using my 70-200 with a 1.4x converter, though chances are that the prime would be a good deal better in outright image quality.
Mr_Sukebe said:
Looks like a good choice in your shopping list.
The only question I'd ask would be about whether to go for the 300mm or 400mm prime. Have to admit, I'm favouring the 400mm for my own upgrade at the moment, as I can get close to the focal range of the 300 using my 70-200 with a 1.4x converter, though chances are that the prime would be a good deal better in outright image quality.

Well I was actually considering the 400 (F5.6 unfortunately as the F2.8 costs an absoloute fortune) but I would achieve the same using the 300mm F4 with a 1.4 (admittedly with a slight loss in quality) At least giving me the option of 300mm as well as 400mm. overall giving me 70-200 and 300 at F4 and 400 at F5.6 (Once I assemble my collection)

The 300mm F4 cost me £770 (-£105 rebate when i sort it out) and wasn't too different in price with the 400mm

And probably should have said this will be my first "white" lens so looking forward to using it (clouds not looking promising though :( )
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