New OcUK Website

Well it appears as though my order went through :)

But I have no confirmation email so I'm going to call up tomorrow to be sure.

I like the website, although it does look a bit generic.
now this is a site and a half!!!! im impressed what a great difference :p now lets see what shall I order just for the launch of the new site :rolleyes:
Triad2000 said:
So how did you just then, then?


Right click the nvidia add in the top right then select block images from and the boxes should stop.
Very funky snazzy in your face type layout! Was the entire website designed within the company or was it outsourced?

Oh it would be so good to buy things again, if i wasnt so poor after finnishing uni!
Looks gay tbh.

All it needed was a search function and some links for recommended hardware. e.g. in the core2duo section, a list of compatible mobo's would come up.

Looks a bit cluttered now.
adfinni said:
Looks gay tbh.

All ti needed was a search function and some links for recommended hardware. e.g. in the core2duo section, a list of compatible mobo's would come up.

Looks a bit cluttered now.
there already WAS a search function!
adfinni said:
Looks gay tbh.

All it needed was a search function and some links for recommended hardware. e.g. in the core2duo section, a list of compatible mobo's would come up.

Looks a bit cluttered now.

quoted for truth, i preferred the old simple layout
I much preferred the old site, there were pictures so you didn't have to read your way to the section you wanted. Now it just looks like all the others. :(
Ive gota change the text size to smallest other wise i get the second lines of the products cut in half :( and i have to open it full screen, as i get the forum box and what not on the right, right over the top of everything. :(
there is a reason all the others look like they do....

its because they are effective.

isnt it just because we were used to the old site that we liked it ? and that we will get used to this very quickly. ?
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