New PC help!

OC_A64 said:
Ok, would that give me as gooder temps as say a Promethia mach2 GT do you recon?
Ok i'll save up for a better SPU, what sort of prixe could i get a good one for?

Not a chance... the Freezer Pro is an air cooling heatsink, whereas the Mach2 is a £400+ Phase Change unit. An air cooler can't give any better temps than around ambient + 10C, a phase change unit can give up to around -50C, but then again the cost difference is enormous!
Cyanide said:
Not a chance... the Freezer Pro is an air cooling heatsink, whereas the Mach2 is a £400+ Phase Change unit. An air cooler can't give any better temps than around ambient + 10C, a phase change unit can give up to around -50C, but then again the cost difference is enormous!

Do you think its worth saving up 4 onr then?
I would suggest learning a lot more about overclocking before you get phase, your cpu might have coldbug anyway.
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Mikey1280 said:
I would suggest learning a lot more about overclocking before you get phase, your cpu might have coldbug anyway.

Coldbug> whats that and how do i know if i got it
I can't even believe you've put 1.52 through that without phase/water cooling - especially with the stock cooler! Mad tbh :eek:

Anyhow - check this thread out. May give you some ideas.
OC_A64 said:
Coldbug> whats that and how do i know if i got it

Where the chip throws a hissy fit cos its too cold.

//Edit. I refuse to believe that rig runs off that psu.

and why the uber gfx card on a 15" screen?
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OC_A64 said:
Coldbug> whats that and how do i know if i got it

It's when the processor doesn't like being too cold and won't work properly. I'm not sure of the effected steppings, so maybe someone else can help on that one. There's no way you can simply buy a non-cold bugged chip really, it's luck of the draw as to what stepping you get :(
OC_A64 said:
Ok, would that give me as gooder temps as say a Promethia mach2 GT do you recon?

No offence, but do you have any idea about this stuff?

What divider are you running your ram on? and what ram is it?
Defcon5 said:
No offence, but do you have any idea about this stuff?

What divider are you running your ram on? and what ram is it?

I was told to run it on a 133 divider or something so that means the rams always at 133 yes? Seems a bit stupid since its DDR3200 but trust the guiy that said it to me.
Ram is ****** 1GB DDR PC3200 400MHz 184pin Extra Value Ram. Couldnt afford to get much better this seems to be ok

As 4 the screen, its what i woz given by my dad. Mite get another one sometime but since im going after world records not gaming it ok.
OC_A64 said:
I was told to run it on a 133 divider or something so that means the rams always at 133 yes? Seems a bit stupid since its DDR3200 but trust the guiy that said it to me.
Ram is ****** 1GB DDR PC3200 400MHz 184pin Extra Value Ram. Couldnt afford to get much better this seems to be ok

Overclocking shouldn't about doing what someone tells you, you need to read up, take your time and learn to gradually build up a tiny bit at a time. No one can tell you how to overclock, as just about every chip and setup is different, so no 2 rigs will clock the same.

Learn to know your system, learn the basics of overclocking and build up slowly :)
no the 133 is a divider, if your htt were at 200 your mem would be at 133

Mem clock = CPU clock / ( ceil(CPU multi / Mem divider) )

where ciel rounds up the number to the next whole
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