New project is now under way

and by tht i mean well im nt sure what i mean by that but if that came to me in a box i would want to open whilst drinking a cup of tea and having a fag
and by tht i mean well im nt sure what i mean by that but if that came to me in a box i would want to open whilst drinking a cup of tea and having a fag

I have no clue what that means, sorry slim.
As for the case...well its very red and very white. Might be kinda hard to look at after awhile, but I admire your skill.
Brilliant build and well put together (your temps are, wow) But I just don't like the red :p I think a dark metallic grey/silver and black would have looked sweet
yes the silver box is a flow meter. I still havent got the pc back yet hoping to get it back this week, not impressed all that time building it and get a fault, were pretty sure its on one of the GPUs but putting it all back on air to test it as its easier for swapping the components around. Ill keep you updated and get some clocking done once i get it back.
The paint is nice and smooth all over, mirror finish may be just dodgy taken pics. If you mean the front there are 2 parts which I just have to finish of and put on then its all sorted, that's once I get it back!
Well heres some pis of my now new and finished computer room, just waiting on the pc back still whih is taking a while longer than expected! Watch this space though i am suppose to be getting it back this weekend and it will be going where you can see the cables all hanging out ready.















That is getting some serious brownie points dude!
Only if the missus would allow me to take full ownership of one of our rooms :(
Amazing build. Every time I visit this thread I wonder why you're disassembling your PC and then I realise its your pictures. :p

Can I ask how hard was it to remove the bottom drive bays from the 800D?
Thanks once again for the comments guys, much appreciated.
However i am least impressed as still havnt got it up and running as it should be. I have been on with a few other techys and we have all come up with the conclusion that the motherboard cant cope with the 3 way sli and the revo drive as one monitor always breaks down and tears etc etc... We have tried everything , different memory, 3 new 570s, i now have 3 580s in the system and thats the same. We are now going to fit the B3 revision and see if there is any tweaks for 3 way sli not just the sata ports. Failing that i am going to try an asus maximus IV extreme which should cope as this has 4 PCIE16 slots onboard. We tried 2 cards and that works fine its just soon as you install 3. We even tried removing the revodrive and using an ssd but to no avail. So hopefully the Asus board is in stock this week. In my other system which some of you may have seen, i have upgraded the a few items to keep me going, i have fitted a Asus P8P67 Pro rev 3 and it is sitting comfortably at 4.5ghz with my 2 280s in it and a 2600k. no issues and runs great til i get my other system back. I have also installed intels new Elmcrest ssd which is rapid. I will get some pics up soon as i get chance and keep you informed on the other build. Ps the lower drive bay was really easy to remove to be honest, just a few rivets holding it in place need drilling out.
Hey again i have just posted a few more pics up of my system that is keeping me going until i get my new one back. I will let you know as soon as i get it, i am pulling my hair out, all that outly and i still havent been able to test it out!






i have to be honest here,i think the paint job is a lot to be desired,i own a 800d and i would never dream of doing that to my case,best to get it power coated i think,but the rest of the setup is really nice
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