I've got the new Sky Hub and ever since it's caused me nothing but problems.
I keep getting disconnected.
Things I have tried to resolve this:
I received 2 routers from Sky both the same by mistake. I have swapped over to the other Router. No Effect.
I have changed the power cable.No Effect.
I have changed the Microfilter to another one. No Effect.
I am wired to the router, but I have also changed the wireless channel. No Effect.
I have reset the router. No Effect.
I have held the reset button in for 15 secs (hard reset).No Effect.
Line Att. 33.5 / 18.5
Noise Margin. 15.5 / 24.24
Plug into test socket if you have one.
Do you get any crackle, hiss or noise on a wired telephone pluged into test socket? If you get a disconnection listen to a wired phone as the disconnection could be due to a internittent noise on the line.
Remove any extensions from the circuit.
Remove any telephony devices from the circuit and that includes Sky boxes.
How often is it dropping connection.?
Does your noise margin vary much through the day? 15.5 is pretty high as Sky normally set 7dB so having it at 15.5dB could be due to a line instability.
Does the line attenuation change?
What Sync speed are you getting with that 33.5? EDIT: Ah just noticed you posted an image. 5500kb or thereabouts, it's not that clear. That's low for a 33 dB line. Should be in region of 10Mbit to 13Mbit depending on line characteristics.
Can you get routerstatslite working to monitor your router? It's handy to use this to get a plot of noise margins and Sync over time. A useful utitlity to keep an eye on things for you while you get on with your life.
It can be a real pain to determine what is causing a broadband issue.
The more info you can give to Sky and Openreach eventually the easier it will be for them to diagnose, and also to prevent any charges for callout.
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