New sports car, 25-27K

The one i posted earlier includes a fully transferable porsche warranty

That should solve that problem.

Yes it would but most cars dont come with a warranty, so if you are buying outside of the OPC network (which matey would be at his budget) you are exposed for 90 days before you can take out the OPC warranty, none the less i wouldnt worry about that to much, it is a very very small minority of cars that have problems.
In fairness, your post could have been worded better. Besides that, he said 'you could get a decent warranty to cover x' and you said he'd find it difficult to get a warranty to cover that unless he went to a company that didn't cover it anyway. Which would be NOT a decent warranty. :confused::confused:

True, it's a plan, not a warranty, but either way through my badly worded post, unless you have a Porsche warranty, I wouldn't bother.
nevermind i get you now.

But back to the original point - i think a <30k 997 would be the answer to this problem. Its the logical progression from a boxster and the traders who helped write the EVO article say it should be a good buy.

I know its only the base carrera for this sort of budget, but it is a 911 after all. 300 odd bhp and 0-60 in the 4s isn't exactly slow.
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