New Star Trek film on the cards

eXSBass said:
Hang on, i'm not a Trek fan but I watch Trek series as it makes good Sci Fi TV. In anycase I thought the upcomming Trek movie was TNG based. I remember reading an article stating the guy who plays Data refused to come back to it.
Can anyone explain? :)

Watch the film Nemesis ...
Otacon said:
The trouble is, this wwill be an odd number in the series...

Ah ah but Nemesis was a bit pants as it was basically ST2. Sooo it could break the rule and be a suprise hit. I hear Rick Berman isn't involved too. It could be great but judging from the whole Academy thing it could be a bit rubbish. No ship to command, no boldly going. Like some guy already said, Shatner + Nimoy = Kirk + Spock. Won't be right with anyone else.
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