Can we make chaparral the Steam hall monitor? - when theres a sale or bargain expect him to post to let us all know :D

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Cheers to everyone who recommended Killing Floor, its a seriously fun game!

Didn't have high hopes tbh but picked it up cos it was cheap and I'm glad I did. After being the last one left alive in the mansion, out of ammo, I ran away and welded a door shut behind me, managed to make my way outside, found some ammo, unloaded into the remaining specimens and finished the last one off with a slowmo machete decapitation...I'm sold :)

I can see why people compare it to L4D but it is quite different. I find it more pick up and play, whereas with L4D I always feel like I need an hour or two free to play it. I reckon it won't last as long but it will be a lot of fun while it does.
should we keep this thread alive for future sales?

Btw, Steam grew quite a lot compared to last year.

2008 Holiday peak: 1725722 people online

2009 Holiday peak: 2611005 people online

yes i love stats
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should we keep this thread alive for future sales?

Btw, Steam grew quite a lot compared to last year.

2008 Holiday peak: 1725722 people online

2009 Holiday peak: 2611005 people online

yes i love stats

can you still see those stats or did you just save them ?
should we keep this thread alive for future sales?
Think it would be better to kill this thread and then have one thread for the standard weekend sales and when it comes to these Holiday ones do an individual thread...

On a weekend thread you may miss a single discount but its these Holiday ones where the real savings are and people might miss it if they have to trawl a thread...

ps3ud0 :cool:
I've had steam for a few years due to buying HL2 on disc. I've always said on here that steam is a great idea but, for me, the prices make it pointless. I made my first ever purchase from there in the sales and ended up buying about 8 games. Now that the sales have ended I think that will be it from me. I really hope that during the sales, Steam have made a killing and now that the old prices are back, their sales go back to how they were. Maybe that will change a few things.

Same. Had steam since HL2 launch (2004), I'd only bought the Orange Pack between then and these sales.
I thought I bought too many games in Steam sales, but that list is insane chaparral. :eek: That guy on the Steam forums who claims to have spent $2500 odd though. I mean wtf. Did he just buy the whole Steam catalogue or something just because it was cheap. :confused:
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