
I picked up Indigo Prophecy (Fahrenheit) for £2 in the sale... but has anyone tried to play it with an Xbox 360 pad? I can't map the right stick or the D-Pad to any of the controls, which is very annoying!


Completed 2 of the games I bought in the ID pack. (d1 and q1)

Completed defence grid (didn't get any achievements after a point)

3/4 completed osmos

Lumines I can't play as it constantly scrolls through the menu and the developers can't be bothered to fix it. :rolleyes:

All the other games I've either loaded once to setup the settings or not played at all.

I will get round to it when I'm a bit dry of things to do though.

My steam page says it all really. Most of the games I bought are best played when bored and with nothing to do. So, some time on holiday they will probably get use. :D:p
It's a shame for me, i used to love strategy games when i was in my early teens, but for some reason i grew out of them and ended up finding them boring.
With company of heroes at that price...I am just going to go and buy it of steam even though I have the original on DVD. Those updates via relic etc is just not worth it. :o
With company of heroes at that price...I am just going to go and buy it of steam even though I have the original on DVD. Those updates via relic etc is just not worth it. :o
Totally agreed, wil give my dvd copy to my dad or something lol. That should tip my steam folder over 100gb. Woot! Lol
i'm going for the whole pack too, even though i own the first on dvd - £6 seems too good to pass up really!

re games bought and time played, i got evil genius in the steam sale and i've pretty much played it constantly, quality game!
I also couldn't resist for £6.23 even though I have all three. :rolleyes:
As has been mentioned previously, it does make it simpler for getting it patched.:)
I Just have to wait for 9.8 GB to download now. :(
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