Is there something wrong with steam or paypal? Im trying to purchase Mass effect, keep getting this message: An unexpected error has occurred. Your purchase has not been completed.
Please contact Steam Support.
anyone help?
I tried restarting pc still same![]()
Same here.....I haven't been able to buy anything through the steam client for 24hrs
As from yesterday afternoon it just comes up with this meassage
I Send there support a message yesterday and i had no reply yet..![]()
How long does Mass Effect take to complete? Have lots of games to play but keen to try this with Mass Effect 2 being released soon.
Cant be if you have brought too many games as this is the first I have tried to buy since TF2.
15 hours?! If you play it as a shooter an not an RPG.
A full, explore everything playthrough comes in at 25-30 hours, more on the harder difficulties.
SiD the Turtle![]()
Think I spent over 10 hours in the first city just wondering about talking to people doing all the side missions and what not -.-
Bum deal.
But it sounds like you can make one more purchase.
If that fails, youll be locked again.
If it succeds, though, you'll be able to buy something else. And the more successful purchases you make without failing any, the more leeway the system will give you when you do eventually have a failure or two.
Er... why exactly haven't you contacted support about it? Either your hiding something and the block is legit or somethings glitched or someones having a laugh.
sounds like your bank is blocking it as a fraudulent transaction and steam have decided you've nicked someone card or something.
that or you're putting the details in wrong.
The instant someone says
You can be certain it's user error![]()
I'm no expert but as I understand it lots of tiny transactions, or transactions that don't meet your normal spending habits can flag up warning signs at the bank. If they put a stop on your card and you try and use it on Steam it'll leave Steam out of pocket, hence the account block.
Rightly, my bank spotted several small purchases on my card (mobile phone top-ups) and blocked them after someone had gotten a hold of my card details.
At least phone your bank and rule it out as an issue.
If everything else is ruled out then maybe someone else is trying to use your card, or your account. Maybe there's a legit reason as to why it's blocked.
I remember when Day of Defeat came out, my card (along with thousands of other peoples) got blocked due to Steams post code system. Iirc, it was that Steam was set up to have our UK post codes without a space in them, and of course we UK people put a space in the postcode which looked to Steam like it was a dodgy purchase attempt which resulted in the cards being blocked.
They sorted it out eventually but it just goes to show that Steam can make a mistake or two and you can't automatically assume user error.
*Bangs head against wall*
If you're reusing the same details that have worked previously and Steam are saying you're making a failed purchase what does that mean? Either Steam is broken (not out of the question) or your bank is declining the transactions. How difficult is that to understand?
My money would be on the top one. The bank details he's using are correct as he bought Mass Effect, the block was put back on after that, which means another invalid transaction was attempted which caused Steam to flag it as suspicious.
I have been using steam for a long time yet when I tried to purchase Dragon Age using the previously remembered details it failed. Checked them and tried again and failed. Switched to buy using paypal instead and it worked. All my monthly payments via card after that also failed so I called my bank and the steam purchase had triggered something anti fraud measures and I once I advised my bank that it was indeed me who attempted the purchase they removed the bar.
I guess if you keep trying on steam while bank has temp blocked the card then steam's own anti fraud will kick in?
Have they also blocked the new steam account you made so you could gift games to your main account ??
I'm getting the same error message.