I also have KF gift passes to pass out. It is pretty fun. I wouldn't have bought it at it's ordinary price, but this IS worth it.
Can't believe they ran out of keys for prey, I was going to just get the games i wanted tonight and leave them downloading along with CM10 for when i woke up. Already played bioshock, great game though.
Wouldn't mind a guest pass for killing floor if anyone has got one going spare? Steam id is cai12 (I think?). Thats my username anyway!

If borderlands shows up, I will be very tempted.

Wasnt it on offer sometime ago, at 15 quid or so ? before these holiday sales ? For some reason I seem to think so...
Did they only just add Bioshock? I could have sworn it wasn't there earlier but it has now been bought!

Now all I want is dirt2 and I'll be well occupied! :)
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