wow, killing floor is excellent!

for £4 it really is the best deal I've found, I've not played Left 4 Dead but this is fantastic!

good old fasioned mindless shooting with a bit of strategy mixed in (only a bit mind :D)
Bought KF cos of Sinny - I love co-op stuff - didnt see the point of the DLC, just player skins I thought...

Just need to find some reliable peeps to play it with. Does sound like a cross between L4D and Serious Sam minus the silly guns...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Mmmm I'm finding my self buying games which I have no intention of playing atm but may do some time in the future -.- I love steam I really do not having to have bloody disks lying about and stuff is good stuff!
"Our sale on Prey was so popular we ran out of keys!! If we can get more, we'll try to bring this deal back. In the meantime, 2K Games has added BioShock to the set of daily deals on Steam, at 75% OFF today only. Happy holidays!"

Having tried the demo I wouldn't even pay 59p for Alpha Prime, it is very poor.

There are very few things I wouldn't pay 50p for, even if I knew they were terrible. I've never even heard of this game before, so I might as well give it a shot. After all, what's 59p? I'd feel ashamed giving that amount of money to a hobo.
....on my 50MB Virgin Broadband and 17 hours later , i think i may be able to play Burnout Paradise today :D

Hmm Shadowgrounds is on very cheap too. Worth £2.79 for both of them easily, i got Shadowgrounds when i bought something, forgot what now, enjoyable game and a steal for that price really. Might buy the other 1 for £1.79.
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