Prey was suprisingly fast to download. I set it downloading just before I went out and came back about an hour later and it was at 96% downloaded.

Just been playing through, its a great game so far. I like the references to 3D Realms when you are on the alien ship, on the Earth radio signal when you hear 'George from Garland' and 'Scott from Texas' speaking, obvious references to George Broussard and Scott Miller.

Yeah, great stuff so far, although it reminds me a lot of Quake 4 but that was also a great FPS in my opinion.
Yeah, I have 4 games that have live achievements - Batman AA, Fallout 3, GTA4 and Red Faction Guerilla. I have them all on steam :)

Cool and I assume they can sync with your Xbox Live - the only PC/Windows Live game I have played was Halo 2 and was ages ago so not sure if anything changed
I am pretty sure they do. There is an option like "Always update this game" or something...

Just wondering, as when I log into the game it says patch 1.4 or something is available. So I downloaded it and its a dead file. Thats unless it wants me to copy it into Steam or something. Plus I don't need to get a Windows gamertag to play the game do I?
I was just wondering what peoples opinions were on Blazing Angles 1 & 2 as the twin pack is only £7.49. Also would i be able to use my dusty old joystick with it.
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i wonder whats next for deal of the day ?

already picked up to many games and I just don't have the time now I got some kiddies lol
but I just can't not buy some of these bargains.
Right, didn't manage to get a guest pass this morning so I just bought killing floor anyway. Got two guest passes if anyone wants them. Chuck us your steam id's and i'll add you.
Just wondering, as when I log into the game it says patch 1.4 or something is available. So I downloaded it and its a dead file. Thats unless it wants me to copy it into Steam or something. Plus I don't need to get a Windows gamertag to play the game do I?

Don't know enough about this game but if you check the box in the options that says "keep this game up to date", it SHOULD do everything automatically, download and install the patch. Or so it does with almost every other game. Correct me if I am wrong, but thats how it usually works. Sorry can't be more help to your problem.
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