I might go for Silent Hill Homecoming as I have been meaning to pick that one up for ages, it just never seemed to go down in price.

And for £2.25 Jade Empire looks pretty good, it got good reviews and feedback when it was released.
Jade Empire's a good solid RPG with 'interesting' combat, very worth it at that price imo.

Does anyone have any info on King Arthur please - it certainly looks interesting....
A bit more hands on (combat wise) than most of their stuff, but it's full of Bioware goodness and well worth £2.25.

I played on the Original Xbox and will be getting this.
Been eyeing it up for the past couple of weeks for some martial arts RPG style, this will do me some fun.
Mr Robot also sounds interesting.
On a more serious note though, ive heard good things about King Arthur, but im a cheap git so i'll hold out a while longer :).
If Silent Hill Homecoming was more in line with the others id grab it, but i think i'll pass.
I've been on the look out for Tales of Valor on the daily deals, so I'm glad to see it finally appear. :)

I already have the main game and Opposing Fronts so it will be nice to Steamerise the games finally if only for the fact that if I ever have to reinstall them I won't have to go through all that palaver to get the game up to date. :p
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