Bought Osmos last week for £2.49 with GFWLIVE achievements from MS.

Both Max Paynes have to be played in 4:3 aspect ratio otherwise the FOV is wrong and nothing can be done to fix it either. You can either have it in 4:3 with pillowboxing or have headaches if you stretch the image to fill your screen.

Max Payne2 also has some minor issues with certain displays that cannot handle the back buffer effects when the dream sequences have rapid colour, fog & screen distortion shifts either! Play Max Payne2 on a CRT monitor then watch the same sequences on any TFT as there is a massive difference & you also get to see all the limitations of TFT vs CRT. Max Payne2 really was optimised for CRT displays as obviously back in the day that was the standard!!
If you purchase a collection eg. rockstar/2k and already have some of the games, do you get a second copy to gift to someone?

Nope only the orange box and the 4 packs (l4d and Borderlands) do that im afraid.

Also steam suck at ordering their games sale list properly :rolleyes::p
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