New top gear lineup..

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No,it is precisly the same thing. You said it was disgusting to think someone was awarded something because of their skin colour and not on actual merit.

This is precisly what the people complaining about the diversity of the Oscars have done.

..and it is not racist.

It is disgusting to think that when there is 0 evidence for it and plenty of evidence to the contrary.

If they actually have a point and there is evidence that racism is occurring, it is hardly disgusting to call it out.

I am sorry you are struggling to understand these basic concepts.
Racism is pretty offensive whether its intended or not, whether the person being racist knows they are or not. For people not to point it out is also fairly disgusting.

I refuse to sit by and watch bunch of white people talk about how a black guy only got the job because he is black.

Getting offended by any and every commentary on race regardless of the intentions behind the words is almost as bad as being racist though.
It is disgusting to think that when there is 0 evidence for it and plenty of evidence to the contrary.

If they actually have a point and there is evidence that racism is occurring, it is hardly disgusting to call it out.

I am sorry you are struggling to understand these basic concepts.

There isnt conclusive evidence in either case. :confused:
Getting offended by any and every commentary on race regardless of the intentions behind the words is almost as bad as being racist though.

LOL oh really?!

"Jesus Schmitzel, I know these Nazi's are pretty racist towards the Jew's but you pointing it out all the time, well gosh darnit that is just getting on my nerves!"
There isnt conclusive evidence in either case. :confused:

Well for one there is 0 evidence he was hired on top gear because he was black.

There is plenty of evidence of systemic racism in hollywood and more specifically the Oscars.

Baring in mind the Oscars themselves have vowed to try and rectify the problem
Well I'm done you obviously have a pretty big problem.

Yes I have a pretty big problem with racism.

MLK said:
I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action”; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a “more convenient season.”

It is still all mostly conjecture. If it could be proven that the Oscar's panel was completely racist, wouldnt they be going to court?

I can google and link to articles about the points raised here as well. Woop

Just so it sinks in for you, again, discussing and commenting on how diversity is handled or perceived to be handled by organisations is not racist and does not make someone a racist.
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15%, so less than the 18% of the population that are non white in the UK, meaning it is still not representative, nor is there any indication as to that it is why Rory Reid got the job.

You just asked for possible evidence as to why some people made the comments they did about him possibly being chosen because of his skin colour.

I gave you that, but obviously that is still not good enough and everyone who dares to comment on the BBC's diversity policy is a racist :rolleyes:
Just so it sinks in for you, again, discussing and commenting on how diversity is handled or perceived to be handled by organisations is not racist and does not make someone a racist.

This is not what I have said though is it, so that hardly needs to sink in now does it, stop putting words in my mouth.

What I have said is racist is plain and clear.

"person x clearly got the job because they are black".

I am quite happy for people to debate the pro's and cons of reverse racism, for you to say that is what I am calling racist is disgustingly disingenuous. You should be ashamed to stoop so low.

But to attack peoples accomplishments with zero evidence based on the picture of a line up is what has occurred and is what I am calling out.
You just asked for possible evidence as to why some people made the comments they did about him possibly being chosen because of his skin colour.

I gave you that, but obviously that is still not good enough and everyone who dares to comment on the BBC's diversity policy is a racist :rolleyes:

With your line of reasoning, do you therefore feel that the only reason any black or asian person on the BBC, is there solely based on the BBC's diversity requirements to reflect the British public, and for no other reason?
With your line of reasoning, do you therefore feel that the only reason any black or asian person on the BBC, is there solely based on the BBC's diversity requirements to reflect the British public, and for no other reason?

No, of course not.

But, we have the BBC director general say that he wants to introduce a quota that would make one in seven BBC presenters and actors black, Asian or ethnic minorit. The New Top Gear line up, which used to only have 3 presenters, now has 7 presenters, one of which happens to be black.

No one could ever say he definitely didn’t get the job on merit, just like no one could say the white actors in the Oscar nominations didn’t get their nominations on merit either, BUT in both cases, there are clearly valid reasons why some people would think otherwise.
No, of course not.

But, we have the BBC director general say that he wants to introduce a quota that would make one in seven BBC presenters and actors black, Asian or ethnic minorit. The New Top Gear line up, which used to only have 3 presenters, now has 7 presenters, one of which happens to be black.

No one could ever say he definitely didn’t get the job on merit, just like no one could say the white actors in the Oscar nominations didn’t get their nominations on merit either, BUT in both cases, there are clearly valid reasons why some people would think otherwise.

Did anyone claim the other 6 got the jobs because they were white?
Did anyone claim the other 6 got the jobs because they were white?

It is the same thing. Assuming he only got the job because he is black is to assume that the others only got the job because they were white.

I can't speak for everyone, but for myself, my comments were with regard to the BBC diversity row/quota shenanigans that I linked you to.

That policy has always rubbed me up the wrong way as i think quota's and policies like that are indeed wrong, despite their possible good intentions!

I thought it was incredible that they expanded the presenters for the show to 7 people and just one of them happened to be a black person (ie the 1 in 7 quota).

My original comment on this - not the most eloquently put I will agree, but my comment was clearly in relation to the BBC's horrible (in my opinion) diversity quotas -

I hate to say it , but he is obviously the token black guy.

Yay for reverse discrimination.

You can just tell they sat down and had a diversity checklist for this.
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It is the same thing. Assuming he only got the job because he is black is to assume that the others only got the job because they were white.

Right, but no one said that, how ever people were quick to point out the black guy only got the job because of the BBC diversity
Presuably because that is how the BBC worded their own quota.

Or because no one cares that white people get jobs, its only when black people do is their skin colour a cause for concern, as this thread shows from the racists posting within it who hold that opinion.
Or because no one cares that white people get jobs, its only when black people do is their skin colour a cause for concern, as this thread shows from the racists posting within it who hold that opinion.

That is a conlusion you are drawing from what people have said. Where's the evidence? :p ;)

Also, again, it is not racist.

I would also like to point out that the phrase "everyone's a comedian" is very true so a lot of people ( including myself) will have made these flippant comments about him being the "token black guy" not out of any sort of racism or malice but more as an (admittedly lame) satirical comment on the BBC's diversity policies and the general loathsome political correctness that is too prevelant these days.

I always find it odd how comedians, and numerous TV shows (cartoons like South Park) get away with saying things like this, yet as soon as anyone does similar on an internet forum someone always jumps down their neck as though they were Satan.

I mean black comedians themselves often joke about how sometimes someone is obviously "a token black guy" in a film etc. Again, referencing this diveristy quota problem we have.
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I mean black comedians themselves often joke about how sometimes someone is obviously "a token black guy" in a film etc. Again, referencing this diveristy quota problem we have.

First person I heard remark about the lineup along those lines (in a flippant manner as well) was a Jamaican heh.

Dunno why you are bothering - once he pulled out the Nazi and pro-action comments its clear he is either trolling or in need of professional help.
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