New toy (and pics of my 'portable' setup...)

9 May 2005





Sounds sooooooo damn good.

Finally, I can *really* push my headphones when out and about. At low volumes, the clarity, soundstage and breadth of sound are all improved dramatically and at higher volumes, there is no clipping...and it just sounds even better.


At a conservative estimate, I've worn my beyers for the equivelent of around 200 days of constant use.

They're still as comfy as the day I bought them...And they haven't fallen to bits once despite my use and abuse.

Yup - h140.

I have to admit that I was being INCREDIBLY antisocial with them yesterday...Sharing my music with the world :D

Too many to list. But the biggest things are self-build database
Moot - it takes 20 seconds from my PC :/
, themes,
adjustable font sizes,
flac mpc support,
Irrelevant - I use level 10 Ogg Vorbis files.
and replygain.
Nasty thing - causes clipping and ****s up your files.
Also safer bootloader.
Safer? In four years, it's never failed to boot once.
I have a iriver H140, suffice to say I have not used iriver firmware since flashing to rockbox.

Just seems like pointless add-ons and gimmicks to me.

You certainly deserve some points for wearing those outside, penski. There's no way I'd use my DT770 Pros outside, even if the cable was a reasonable length.

Why not?


PS: I know it's grim but you know what colour those earpads should be...That's 4+ years of grime, pollution, sweat et cetera...

I need to refurb them - anyone know where to get replacement pads?
lol. whatever. It's not a gimmick, but carry on using the naff iriver firmware.
In what way is it 'naff' (have we warped back to 1992?)? Please tell me exactly where v1.66 fails and 'Rockbox' succeeds. I have already told you what format I use and that 20 seconds updating a database once every couple of months is no real stretch for me. From your own explanation, all that I would 'gain' from Rockbox is support for a file format I don't use, a software gain-fudger that I find irritating and detrimental to SQ, a fancy load screen and fonts (****ing YAWN. It is for listening to music on, not for looking at), and a 'safer' bootloader which you haven't qualified in any way, shape or form. Especially when you consider that of the matter is that I use my h140 for 8+ hours most days and have never ONCE had to even use the reset button.
You have no idea what you're talking about.

It would appear that I know a damn sight more than you, my dear boy...

TRY IT. If you flash it Rockbox it still keeps iriver firmware. It has so many features over stock.

I have nothing to gain by even trying it. Seriously.

Since you haven't even tried it, you're talking out of your ass.

I bow to your superior knowledge of how I use my own DAP. I bow to your knowledge of my folder structures, playlists and awareness of it's functionality. I really do.

I look like a complete goon wearing the industrial-looking Beyers, I've checked. They're too bulky, block out too much noise and can't be hung around my neck when I'm not using them without acting like a neck brace, so I've never tried to venture outside with them.

I have quite a large head and neck so they're fine for me. Around my neck, the pads sit just under my ears - can still move my noggin around. :)

Thanks for the link. I'll get some ordered in a few weeks. I have 'plans' ;)

I think I'll replace the cable when I do it too...dunno whether to go for another stock one or not; because I use them out and about most of the time, the 'short' cable (biggest 'criticism' I've read of them) is never an issue...

Here's example of Rockbox.


Compared to iriver browser, which is cluttered.
It'll give me a colour display? Well that's one gimmick that has me sold. Don't tell me - it does stupid, pointless 'artwork' browsing too?
The 6 line iriver display is annoying, when browsing.
No it isn't - works perfectly for me. I know what I have on my player and I know exactly where it is.
Also since iriver relies on syncing, it means reliant on OS and software support. With self-build database this no longer applies.
Does it? Strange...I've not updated the software in years and it still works fine. I still have the installers; if the install fails on my PC, I can reinstall.

Hell, even when I've not bothered to synch, it still works absolutely fine.

And you know that how, exactly?

Because I don't need a single one of the 'features' you have described. They are all either irrelevant to my file format and the way I use my player or they're tawdry gimmicks which I have no time and tolerance for. I half expect you to tell me it installs ****ing tetris on it ffs.

Sigh. Not noticed it fits more text lines in the page? Whilst browsing my collection, the iriver text (artists or albums) are so big that most letters are off screen, so you have to wait for it to scroll. Only 6 viewable vertically is annoying.
For you, perhaps. I have already explained that I know exactly what I have on my player and where it is. I know that if I want to go from Aphex Twin to XTC, I hold the stick up for a set amount of time, glance at the screen and do a couple of quick taps to get it spot on and I'm there. I split my folders Artist > Album and I never have to wait for it to scroll horizontally.

One better. You can play doom. And read text files.
Why on earth would you want to do that with a DAP?

There are others I haven't explained, which you might find useful. Until you read up what it's got then I think you're just ignorent of the unknown.

Despite readng and re-reading for the last hour or so, I can't find a single thing that makes me want it. There is literally zero reason for me to install it.

And if you move to a new OS?

I won't.

I have thousands of pounds of hardware and software invested in this machine so I can make music the way I want, legally, and so that when it comes to selling said music, I pass any system audit.

Why would I want to spend all that money again? Nevermind that though...If I do, I can do so safe in the knowledge that I won't have to reinstall my DAP software...And that I can play ****ing Doom. :rolleyes:

Rockbox sounds better.

That's like me saying that my farts sound better than your farts.

You're clutching at straws, boyo. 'Better' is far too vague a term.

I take care when creating my files so that they sound as good as they can. I don't need any software EQ frippary because the files, player, headphones (and now amp) don't need it.

At least I've tried it, and been using it, offering bug reports, suggestions and helping the Rockbox forum since initial H120/H140 bootloader.
Well bully for you. Y'know there's nothing worse than tedius little e-fanboys who won't accept that someone has no interest in their software of choice.

Until you try it, you really are sounding foolish. As said if you don't like it, you can go back. Just delete the .rockbox directory and it boots up as normal.

A mate with a h140 thought the same as you, but after using rockbox for a couple of weeks he now always uses it. oh rockbox supports different battery capacities, so if you replace it with a higher capacity model, the reported battery level is correct.

Do you have difficulty understanding other people?


After four years of daily use, I know my player inside out. Why on EARTH would I want to go to the effort of installing it and relearning how to use my player when I am not going to get anything positive out of it?!

You're trolling now.

Kindly **** off.

And there's nothing worse when people are unwilling to try something else, because they're too stubborn.
I would try it if it offered anything that was of any use to me. It doesn't. So I won't.

It's like tying to convince me to have breast implants. I don't want breasts. I have no need for breasts. I won't get breast implants.

If you class other people with higher intelligence/wisedom/experience as "e-fanboys" ...well.

Let's have a look at the evidence...

Your profile states:

Date of Birth:
6th Jan 1922

Translation: "I R fifteen! Look at theh funny joke I made! Terrst!! LULZ!!!"

Your spelling and grammar is atrocious. You can't even spell 'wisdom' correctly, resulting in a veritable mountain of ironing.

You remind me of the kid at school who used to keep trying to convince people to use Linux.

In fact...I bet you probably do.

Run along, little boy. It is well past your bedtime.

Please. Don't try and insult me because you don't have the skill to try something out.
It is not a question of 'skill' - it is a question of need. I don't need to try Rockbox because I don't need anything it offers.

Because of the nature of it, you need to "suck it and see" rather just looking at it from your perspective that the iriver works "so why should I change" viewpoint. Rather that you should try it. Don't have a go at me and rockbox as "rubbish and gimmicky" for your unwillingness to try it out.
You don't seem to understand a very simple concept which I (and others) have been putting to you for nearly two hours now:


No I'm not that Linux nerd. And I'm older than you by 10 years.

Proof were it needed that intelligence, wisedom (sic) and experience are never the preserve of the elderly.

Keep trying, boyo. Maybe one day you'll move out of your mum's house...

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