New Trainers

If some one has or has seen any good deals for Superstars could you post up or email in trust. I fancy a new pair of trainers. :)
Runnersworld in Chelmsford. Lady was very helpful, informative and fit looking :)

I believe they have a shop in Colchester too.. Not sure where in Essex you live.

I'm in Chigwell. Fit lady in store you say? Need some new socks, might have to pop in there at some point...
I got some Adidas Summer Decks a while back (Falke invisible socks as well lol). Like so:
As an aside, I'm amazed by the number of kids wearing these canvas shoes so dirty they look like they robbed them off a dead tramp. Do they have no pride in their footwear any more? Maybe it's all part of the 'dressed from a skip' look that seems to be so fashionable these days.

My old converses are like that. Personally I like them that way. It gives them a certain character.


Trust me there the most comfy shoes you could ever wear :D

You should see my 'running' shoes. :o
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